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Discussion Question 1
What important lessons have you learned from the most recent 'Sentence Fluency' grammar assignment?
I learned to read my notes more carefully on an open-book test!
Caroline Mackey
I had a lot of fun this week!
i learned about the same thing and i learned to make sure i have all notes written down
do we need to type up our final copy of the place you know well?
I learned to read the directions really carefully.
I already have 14 prepositions, so I don't know how many more prepositions to put.
Do you need a comma in a sentence that has a prepostional phrase. If you do why and and if you don't why?????????
-Sarah Neely
If the prep. phrase is at the beggining of the sentnence, yes. If it is at the end of the sentence, no because then it could turn into a complex sentence.
Isn't there going to be a prep. phrase thing for the blog?
I learned to keep reviewing notes and and pay attention just like i'v mostly been doing.
And the teddy bear thing were going to do sounds really fun
CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!
Forrester-I think he's going to do a prep. phrase thing soon. He mentioned it in class.
Abigal- I think it says on the homework sheet that the final copy is homework on Thursday, and it is due on Friday
Oh I learned that keeping all your notes and worksheets pays off on tests.
There might be something on the blog, but i just can't find it maybe Mr. Buxton will put something on the blog and anyways thanks for the tips of Prep. phrases..... Now i'm going to get to home work but i might come back later..
Also Forrester,
You only need 12 Prep. phrases so your good... I think you can put more than 12 you probably can
See ya'll
Would something like... BETWEEN THE AGES OF 7-10... be a prep. phrase?????
because its got a prep. but i can't find the where, when, and how... and if it doesn't have the W.W.H. then its not a prep. phrase right?????????
Could next to be a prep. because next is a prep. and to is a prep. so wouldn't it be a prep??????????????
Abigail...I would if I were you. We will add to it again on Wednesday.
Forrester... I hope you ae counting the 'prepositional phrases' and not just the prepositions!!!
Yes.. to prep. phrases practice. It's going up now
Sarah .. it depends.. wha is the sentence? What do you think and why?
Forrester gave an excellent answer to your question Sarah. (+1 Forrester)
Sarah.. 'between the ages of 7& 10' answers the question WHEN .. so it is a prep. phrase.
Great questions and contributions guys!!! :-)
Some people have been asking about Jeopardy sheet. It s NOT for H/W tonight. You don't even have it yet!
Wow thanks for all your comments guys! It helped me a lot and so sorry I didn't write over the weekend busy, busy me! Also Mr. Buxton I sorta did know what you were doing this morning with the word counts... I am starting to get to know all of your tricks!:) Thanks again! -Catie
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