
Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Hope you  are enjoying your holidays..I am.. See you in the new year!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011 with the Buxton's

What does your family holiday animoto look like? Feel free to post links

Saturday, December 24, 2011

60,000 Page Views!

Chrsitmas 2011 - Our little blog received its 60,000th hit! Do you think we will hit 100,000 by the summer?

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas. Hope you are having a fabulous time!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Last Academic Day of 2011

What a fantastic way to end the semester. Watch these amazing  Historical fiction reflectives again. What must you do- with your next project to meet these standards?
Rachel - Excellent evidence and visuals

Sabine - Great creativity and imagination

Nakul - Great graphics

Student of the Week: Madddy

Blogger of the Week: Camille

Watch the blog over the break to see a preview of what is coming in the New Year...

Bye Scott: We'll miss you.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Solina (loyalist)

Solina (loyalist) - Check out this persasuive argument from Solina
Enjoy's elizabeth's work below

Farewell Parties

Don't forget red shirts for music event: Thur

Enjoy the links below to Maria's and Scott's farewell videos

Final draft of your persuasive essays due tomorrow. DO NOT FORGET TO SUBMIT THIS WRITING!

Worthwhile IXL Practice - 6th Grade (only to 75 points)
A1, S2,T5,F2,E1

Tomorrow will be the last day to work in class on your historical fiction work. This will be due Friday. Br creative with how you choose to present this work.

Bye Maria - We'll miss you!

Mrs. Clayton's Class

Please copy the link to your video in a comment window.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Prepositional Phrase Test

  • Do the exercises below for your prepositional phrase test.
  • Don't  forget study link 6.10 (Study links will be inspected tomorrow)
  • Subway lunch tomorrow
  • Gift exchange tomorrow
  • Persuasive historical essay (Due Thur)
  • Historical Fiction work (Due: Fri)
  • Patrick Henry Finalists - Practice for Friday!
  • Don't forget your I-Check for Mrs. Clayton
Wow...what a load of things to be thinking about...I think we are learning...

Don't forget to vote...please!


Persausive Animoto Links

Use this post to copy your digital persausive essay ONLY

Monday, December 12, 2011

Qtr 2 Week 9 Day 1


 Don't forget to vote...please!
  • Secret Santa gifts ($10 max.) must be brought in for Wed
  • Subway lunch: Bring your money in tomorrow
  • Music Caroling: This Thursday: Dress in red
  • PJ's Day - Fri (You can wear your PJs to school)
There are a lot of pieces of work due this week. Based on progress I noted today, I am adjusting the due dates.  We will spend all week working on these assignments:
  • Social Studies Animoto Patriot or Loyalist persuasive argument (Due: Thur)
  • Persuasive Writing (Hardcopy) (Due: Thur)
  • Persausive Animoto Essay (Due: Wed)
  • Subway Lunch: (Wed)
  • Historical Fiction work (Due: Fri)
Tonight's priority: BRING A HARDCOPY DRAFT OF YOUR PERSUASIVE ESSAY to school tomorrow

Prepositional Phrase Test: Wed - We will recap this topic in class tomorrow
(Make sure you can also identify an infinitive phrase  e.g. During the party and particple phrase  e.g. To begin my speech)

Use links below to practice
Watch these videos to recap what we learned about prepositional phrases
(drag and drop answers for speed)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Patrick Henry

YES - to Secret Santa - Max. $10 spent. Participation is optional!

What a way to end the week! So much to report....
Patrick Henry Class Champions

Enjoy Breann's superb performance in the basketball event below

Please use this link to plan out your persuasive argument. YOU need a draft copy of your persuasive writing for Monday's class.

Student of the Week: HAN

Blogger of the Week: RACHEL

Friday Message: It's not what happens to you, it's how you CHOOSE to experience what happens to you

Next Week

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Post links to your animotos for me to check out. Tomorrow, we begin writing  your last persuasive essay.

Don't forget to vote!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Edublog Nomination

Our blog is nominated under  Best Class Blog for 2011

Feel free to vote!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Who will be the first to copy a link of their opening animoto?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Stem and Leaf Plots

Quick recap video on stem and leaf plots - New video

I am still not writing down your H/W, but I am just reminding you about the importance of working diligently on both of your animoto projects tonight. Start collecting images/ppoint slides/short video of material you will use in your presentations.
This is a HARD assignment - so it will require great creativity and lots of work!

1 Sammy Snake to anybody who creates their opening thesis statement by tomorrow.
Minimum - You need to be CRYSTAL clear on your topic  and p2s for tomorrow

Friday, December 2, 2011

Next Week - Pay it Forward

There was a powerful message in Mrs. Huggins session today. how will you make a real effort to 'pay it forward'. This truly would change the world?
Watch these videos again to STAY inspired - Free Hugs

Congratulations to Sabine - Student of the Week

Alex: Blogger of the Week

Friday Message - The Girl Who Stopped the World

Listen carefully to the magnificent way this girl delivers her persuasive argument for change at the United Nations assembly so many years ago. What will your  final persuasive piece be like?

One voice - spoken loud enough CAN make a difference!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Colonial Day

Watch this to recap what we have learned so far about Colonization

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