Make a copy of this file and put it into your: Using the Text Evidence lens to Close Read the Impact of Secondary Characters
C/D Book Clubs: 2nd Time
E/F Book Clubs: 2nd Time
H/W All Classes - You should have your plot mountain plan for your RF story ready for Tuesday's class. I will conference with all others on that day. If I recommended changes to your plan Thur or Fri. These changes should be ready by Tuesday.
H/W E/F & C/D Classes
Membean - You need to have completed 45mins of Membean by Friday (30mins at home.) Membean assessment if this Friday
H/W - Due Wednesday
Research ‘archetypes’ and for Wednesday’s class. You are to bring a list of ‘3’ archetypes we have not mentioned in class and a two stories or movies that each of these archetypes appear in. e.g. below
Story 1
Story 2
The Mentor
The teacher in Dead Poet’s Society
Yoda in Star Wars
Understanding the concept of Archetypes in a key reading skill. Make sure you watch this video to see how archetype is just one other form of symbolism:
The Hero is a much more complex archetype that it seems: Watch this just to see how a hero is formed
I just have a quick question. Are archetype's a way of close reading?
No. They are common characters that constantly reappear in different stories. Their behavior is completely predictable. e.g. Harry Potter is an unwilling hero.
You read for text evidence to search for a pattern to see if a character is actually an archetype. If you spot the archetype, you can predict how the story will go.
Okay Thanks!
Todays lesson was so cool. I was actually thinking about what secondary characters such as Olaf from Frozen where called. Now I know :)
No comments tonight Jess?
HAHA Mr. Buxton
I was going to comment a couple times, but then I answered my own questions.
Well look at that. I did comment :O ;)
hehheeh :D
Nice job for answering your own questions Jess :D
Wink Wink Nudge Nudge Bob's Your Uncle :D
And completely random :D
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