C/D & E/F Classes
Book Club Reading Responses
1st Entry Should be in the files by Thursday.
Final entry in files by Next Wed
(Remember the focus on these discussions should be on the impact of secondary characters)
All Classes Grammar Test:
Your end of unit grammar test is NEXT TUESDAY.
This link can be used for you to ask any questions about the unit that you still don't understand.
Sentence Clauses Unit Review: Ask the Teacher
Optional: Test Grammar Practice (My advice is that you do about 5minutes each night on one each of these exercises.) If there are questions or answers that you do not understand, use the file above to ask your questions.
Sentence Fluency: Test Practice Exercises -
http://itech.pjc.edu/writinglab/senpat.htm types of sentences
http://www.quia.com/quiz/299540.html (ignore question 13 and 16)
Some of the questions on this exercise, we have not covered yet...but we will. Try it for fun!
This grammar practice memory hook thing with our groups is really fun. Although it took us a while to get started, our group has a solid idea. (see what I did there :D)
Thank you for putting up all of those exercises!
HAHA Jordan that is very good...
Thanks Jessie :D
Mr. Buxton, I thought you changed our reading response from Thursday to after spring break, is that still the case?
Yes, Nicole. If you look on the reading response file on the blog, it says that the new due date is April 7th.
Do we have to do a video, or can we do written?
For the reading response
I would assume video, but I really don't know.
Ok thx Jordan
Oh ok thanks Rehaan
you may write
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