
Friday, May 30, 2014

R.I.P. Maya Angelou

Still I rise... What will your legacy be? Dear Me, on the Last Day of School Hello, Me! My school year just finished! Did time seem to fly? (Or did it drag slowly as the days trudged on by?) Do I remember September and my life way back then— When I imagined my future and picked up my pen? I wrote some ideas then stuffed them into a "June" envelope from me, sent to you. I hope I enjoy this trip to my past. So, here's to my future: Long may it last! Sincerely, Me

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Your World. Your Year...

Show me your world... 2013.14

Music version


 Follow the format in this song: I didn't start the fire

Missing Library Books! - Please check at home to see if you have ANY of these books...THANK YOU!
Due: 6/1/2013
"Chicken soup for the kid's soul : 101 stories of courgae, hope and laughter"
  Call #: 808.81 CHI
  Barcode: 3SASI00005063F [IS]

Due: 6/1/2013
"Poems for children nowhere near old enough to vote"
  Call #: 811 SAN
  Barcode: 3SASI00031800D [IS]

Due: 8/23/2013
"My thirteenth winter : a memoir"
  Call #: 921 ABE
  Barcode: 3SASM02003624M

Due: 8/23/2013
"They call me a hero : a memoir of my youth"
  Call #: 921 HER
  Barcode: 3SASM00123370L

Due: 9/27/2013
  Call #: FIC AND
  Barcode: 3SASM00122694T

Due: 9/27/2013
"Are you there God? It's me, Margaret"
  Call #: FIC BLU
  Barcode: 3SASM00006362M

Due: 1/13/2014
"Fahrenheit 451"
  Call #: FIC BRA
  Barcode: 3SASM00115474R

Due: 9/27/2013
"The perks of being a wallflower"
  Call #: FIC CHB
  Barcode: 3SASM02009240M

Due: 8/23/2013
"Sing a song of tuna fish : a memoir of my fifth-grade year"
  Call #: FIC COD
  Barcode: 3SASM00008440L

Due: 8/23/2013
"Broken memory : a novel of Rwanda"
  Call #: FIC COM
  Barcode: 3SASM00121273L

Due: 9/27/2013
"The breadwinner"
  Call #: FIC ELL
  Barcode: 3SASM00106099U

Due: 9/27/2013
"The house of the scorpion"
  Call #: FIC FAR
  Barcode: 3SASM00112196P

Due: 9/27/2013
"If I stay"
  Call #: FIC FOR
  Barcode: 3SASM00116812O

Due: 10/1/2013
"Lord of the flies : a novel"
  Call #: FIC GOL
  Barcode: 3SASM00122752O

Due: 8/28/2013
"Will Grayson, Will Grayson"
  Call #: FIC GRE
  Barcode: 3SASM00117722P

Due: 8/28/2013
"Paper towns"
  Call #: FIC GRE
  Barcode: 3SASM02009108P

Due: 12/17/2013
"The clay marble"
  Call #: FIC HO
  Barcode: T 153416

Due: 9/27/2013
"Water tales : Aquamarine & Indigo"
  Call #: FIC HOF
  Barcode: 3SASM02003588V

"Pyramid of secrets"
  Call #: FIC MY
  Barcode: 3SASM02002348O

Due: 2/13/2014
"The butter battle book"
  Call #: FIC SEU
  Barcode: 3SASM00116194R

Due: 9/27/2013
"When you reach me"
  Call #: FIC STE
  Barcode: 3SASM00116123J

Due: 9/27/2013
  Call #: FIC ZEV
  Barcode: 3SASM00113389U

Due: 6/1/2012
"Tiger trouble!"
  Call #: PIC GOO
  Barcode: 3SASI00041771L [IS]

Due: 6/1/2013
"The sweetest fig"
  Call #: PIC VAN
  Barcode: 3SASI000412008 [IS]
Items Overdue: 35

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Two Learning Days Left...

Interesting Reading: I cam across this site that sends me emails weekly on archetypes. Makes for interesting reading: Archetypes

Enjoy another finished, 'Top 10'

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Final Membean Test: Wednesday - Make sure you have practiced not just your Membean but also your QUIZLET!
Collect the 'stock footage' of transition scenes/ buffer material that you can use to add authenticity to your argument.

Friday is the last day you are allowed to use your computer in school. All final projects should be on your blog by then. (G/H class - you need to make sure you have your things on your blog by Monday) Enjoy Ibby's impressively argued RR from the summative test

Look at Teagan's fine example as a mentor

Enjoy Ibby's impressively argued RR from the summative test

Monday, May 26, 2014

My Top 10

Final H/W Tasks!!!

Your final assessment: Your Reading and Writing Top 10  is Due: Friday (next Monday for G/H class)
Grammar Videos also by Friday. If they are ready sooner, that would be excellent.  (G/H - Next Monday)

You can make reference to some of the stories we have read this year, e.g. All Ball, What Do Fish Have to Do with It, etc...Any picture books etc. You can also use examples from any books that you have read yourself.

Reading Classes
Membean: You must do a minimum of 20minutes practice at home by WEDNESDAY (Total 35mins by Wednesday - 15 in school)

Powerschool closes at 3pm today!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Thursday, May 22, 2014

My Reading Life

Reading and Writing Reflection: What can you do now as a reader that you couldn't at the start of the year?  My Reading Life

Reading Units Covered this year

Launching the Reader's Workshop
Thinking Critically About Characters
Nonfiction Research Across Text Sets
How to Eat a Poem
Social Issues Book Clubs
Notice and Note

Other topics: Anchor Charts
Reading Responses
Book Clubs
Close Reading
Writing Claims

Writing Classes
Feature Article:
1) Download your Feature Article as a pdf. Then upload your FA into either of the software below.
2) You must use or to embed a copy of your FA into your blog. (Save your piece as a pdf and then upload.)
3) Put your video of your craft moves onto your blog.
4) Drop a PDF version of your file into the RLA drop folder.

 $3 for every class book you return from home tomorrow. (keep what you are still reading until Mon 2nd June!)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

NonFiction Reading Assessment

Reminder: No switching of seats while I am out today. 
Reminder: Drop your RR in the RR file on the right side of the blog. 8  C/D students  have not dropped their files  7 E/F students also need to drop their files too! - I will be locking this file tonight!

NonFiction Reading Assessment
You will use this article: Read, Kids Read. You are welcome to prepare notes on the article and bring them to class.  
You must:
1) Write a claim about the article (opening paragraph)
2) Explain your claim in detail  ( 2-3 paragraphs)
3) Conclude your claim by revisiting your key points ( 1 short paragraph )

You will also receive a writing grade for this piece. Be sure to express your ideas as articulately as possible using precise word choice, strong advanced sentences (you should integrate some appositives and absolutes if possible)

Non-Fiction Rubric

Your finished piece should go into these files. MAKE YOU LINK PUBLIC

You will have approx. 45mins to write AND explain your claim about a Nonfiction article. You may use the article. MAKE your link public!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Use this link to go to: Phrases Test

Feature Article Kickers

Article Design: You will be expected to answer these questions with respect to your Feature Article graphic design in your 'craft moves' video

  1. Where did your colors come from and why did you choose them?
  2. Explain your font choice.
  3. How does your choice of colors and font enhance the meaning of your article?
  4. Explain how you are using the design principles (contrast, alignment, repetition, and/or proximity) as you start to design your layout?

This link gives you some design examples: Feature Article Design Examples

H/W - Your Feature Article first draft should be finished by Wednesday. In class Wednesday, you can use the session to redraft, edit and compose your -Craft Moves Video ( This can be a screen recording) 
 Feature Article Rubric 

Reading Classes
Tomorrow, you will do your in class Non-Fiction Reading Response. You may use any notes that you have already prepared for the NF article. Those students who have not had their own article approved by me in advance MUST use this article
Non Fiction Reading Response Rubric

Printed color copy of your Feature Article is due: FRIDAY - There is no resubmission for this piece. It must be turned in on time.  You will also email me a pdf. copy (I'll explain how to do this later in the week)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Phrases Commercial

Enjoy these performances from your classmates

Friday, May 16, 2014

Notice and Note: Introduction

Membean Student Survey
Book Club Discussion notes file

Improve you analysis of fiction (and non-fiction) with these signposts.
Notice and Note Signposts

Next Monday: Phrases Test and Designing your Feature Article in Pages

Next Tuesday: NF article summative test.
Next Wednesday: Redrafting and Editing Feature Article/ Creation of Craft Moves Video. FYI:  Feature Article Rubric 
Next Thursday: Notice and Note Practice
Next Friday: End of Year Grammar Review Assignment &
Feature Article Celebration.

Notice and Note: Overview

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hooks and NutGrafs

This file is an example of opening Hooks and Nut Grafs

Due: Tomorrow - Your video grammar file on phrases.

Make sure you meet the required amount of Membean practice. (10mins of practice will happen in tomorrow's class)

H/W: Writing Class
You should all have a completed lead and nut graf for Friday's class. By next Monday, you should have approx 75% of your piece finished. Monday, we will  briefly discuss kickers, conclusions. Tuesday, you will work on the design of your feature article. Wednesday, will be redrafting and editing.Thursday, you will craft your Feature Article craft moves video. Friday, we will celebrate.

Closing date for resubmitted work file is tomorrow. 
Work cannot be resubmitted after this date. This file will be closed at 8pm Friday. (If you are doing a retake, you can still do retakes of tests next week.) 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Writing Sophisticated NF Claims

Homebase Info
Devon your turn to share your passions. Kira & Min Jung, you can go tomorrow if you would like to.

Lesson Recap
Use this link for your article: Writing Sophisticated Claims

Notice the progression below of a simple claim (that discusses observations and patterns) and a more sophisticated claim (that discusses the purpose of the patterns or the text in a wider context).
Look at these pieces from Jen and David that move their thinking to the wider context

Reading Classes
H/W Membean 50 mins (30 in class)
Most people have not selected an article for themselves for  Friday's in class summative NF reading assessment. Therefore, you will use this article: Read, Kids Read. You are welcome to prepare notes on the article and bring them to class.  Your video commercials are due on FRIDAY. Place them on your blog when finished with the script below. Color code your use of the phrases

Writing Classes
Reminder: The Phrases Grammar test is moved to Monday - Use the links to practice
G/H Class - Your videos are due on your blog by Monday. Place them on your blog when finished with the script belowColor code your use of the phrases

Think Creatively - Hopefully this video will help inspire you to come out with good ideas for  your video. Thanks Ethan for sharing.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Application of Phrases

H/W - Writing Classes: You must spend about 15 mins working on your phrases script/video with your partner. Link to Mentor Text: MouthBlast Toothpaste

Grammar Review:  
You must use a wide variety of absolute, prepositional and appositive phrases to create an advertising campaign to sell a product of your choice. ( A minimum of x3 examples of each type of phrase should be in your skit.) 

Grammar Test on Phrases will be on Monday19th due the shortened week.


Lesson Recap:  Remember to ensure a high use of domain specific language in your piece. Perhaps even use the bold text feature or italics to make that language stand out. Expert writers often place a glossary in their article of advanced terminology. Finally, remember to always find synonyms to refer to the topic of your article. e.g. An article about MERS might use: this disease, this illness, an epidemic of this proportion etc...when referring to the idea. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Opening Eyes

Today's graphic design link attached here: graphic design tips and tricks

C/D Class - What can you learn from watching this piece?  You are the one responsible for ensuring that you and the people around you are learning.

Next Week:

Reading Classes: You will need to show me the article that you plan to use for your in class RR before Thursday.

Friday: Phrases  Grammar Test (Relative, Absolute, Prepositional, and Appositive)

These are the practice exercises from the unit that you should tackle before next Friday.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

A gift...

This is the best video I've seen! It is the best gift you will get this year if you know how to value it. (Thank you to Nathan for sharing it).

Grammar Unit 4 Prepositional Phrases

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Writing Sophisticated NF Claims

Review of Today's Session: Writing Sophisticated Claims

Make a copy of this doc. Sophisticated claims

Remember the continuum of claims we learned today.
Other  examples of basic to sophisticated claims. Can you see which level is which?

Reading Classes: Next Friday, you will do your 'in class' summative paper on NF reading. Between now and then you must bring in an article that you plan to use, so I can approve it.  If you do not chose your own article, you will be given one in class on the day. - Not having time to read the article in advance will make this task harder. (You are welcome to think about your claim beforehand, but you will do the writing in class)

Well done - Your claims showed growth. We still have work to do to get them into the 'context' category...but we have made a great start.

Writing Classes
I am not in class tomorrow. You will use the session to draft out a pencil and paper outline for your finished feature article.  YOU MUST BRING THIS OUTLINE TO CLASS ON FRIDAY. (Your H/W is to make sure it is finished)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Writing Like an Expert

Remember: Your feature article should be written in a way that makes you sound like an expert. Don't forget to use these tips and tricks to ensure you are 'teaching' your readers.
1) Write about the images, photos and tables

2) Don't write like a robot, write like a teacher
A. On July 20, 1969, men landed on the moon. - NO - Boring dull facts!

B. In all directions the land was flat. The horizon was broken only by the rims of distant craters. They could see boulders and ridges. Close at hand, small craters pockmarked the surface; small rocks and pebbles were scattered everywhere. It was July 20th 1969, and this was probably the sight that met the first men who landed on the moon. YES - Engaging while still including facts

3) Can you use the 'teaching voice heard frequently in  online documentaries ?

Reading Classes H/W: Due Wednesday.
You must read the article given and be ready to discuss it in class on Wednesday. You will be expected to take notes on the article. Being prepared for a discussion is a learning standard you are being assessed on. DO NOT FORGET TO DO THIS

Monday, May 5, 2014

H/W Reading Classes
Membean - 45mintues this week. (30 at home)

You should be finished with your NF note-taking by Wednesday.   Think about what text structure graphic organizers you will use to structure your notes.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Visual Note Taking

We THINK in pictures, we write with words - why not bring these together?

How can you take notes in a way that shows you truly understand a concept?

The Friday Message.
We have all at some time in our lives been the person being referred to in this post. What can be learned from this person's thoughts? (Thanks Jen's Dad)
What Students Really Need to Hear