As we were rushed at the end of the day, I will recap your H/W assignments
- Look at the end of unit review sheet in your study links package. Make sure you feel comfortable with all topics mentioned. If not, come prepared to ask me questions tomorrow.
- Spend 10 mins playing one of the Unit 5 fractions game under the EDM link on the left side of my blog
Think of your 'idea' for the animoto project. It can be something new or a topic you have already used. Remember: Think about whether you can have three expandable p2s before you rest on your final idea. Today's session should have shown you the importance of first coming up with an excellent topic
Look at the sample video again for an example
Prep. Phrase Project
We will have another session tomorrow to help prepare for the prep. phrase puppet show. Make sure you have finished your portion for your team's performance. tomorrow's session
Kudos to Maya for her strong personal persuasive essay.
This is an example of how I stepped out of my comfort zone. I have never grown a beard before! The last day for Movember is tomorrow.
Don't for get to get your H/W diary signed