
Thursday, April 5, 2012


Next week is ITBS - Make sure you get plenty of rest and eat well in the morning. We will have one more practice test on Monday.  What did  you learn today about test taking that you will remember forever?

Next Week

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Glogster Presentations

Use this link to do 30 mins research for your Singapore History project

Math Study Link 10.7
This is just creating a line graph similar to the ones we did in class at the end of today's lesson. e.g. Your line graph might be of two people running a race. You must explain what the line graph you have created shows. e.g. the heating up of a frozen pizza in a microwave oven.

Presentations of most Ch.4 Glogs will take place tomorrow. Please  remember to print out a hard copy of your work

Add your glog to your blog

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Midnight Magic

Use your notes from today's lesson to write up your paragraph about the issues (problems) what of the main characters experiences in the story. 
  • Effective paragraph structure
  • Integrates some advanced vocbaulary
  • Mentions and explains some problems your character faces
  • Comma Rule - goals people - don't forget to label usage
(Click the link on the class 'read a loud' - image to go to a website full of additional info. about the story)

Due: Wed

Math: Study Link 5.6

Book clubs: your final discuss will be tomorrow. Make sure you have an interesting/controversial discussion topic. 

I will not insist that Glogs are ready for tomorrow. Teams will be  given sometime in class tomorrow putting finishing touches on presentations and organizing an interesting delivery of the glog. 

You all worked well today...  :-) -  1 step on the ladder!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Monday - Dialogue

Did you enjoy your Spring Break? I did.

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook
Create your own scrapbook - Powered by Smilebox
Make your own scrapbooking design

Welcome Back...

Math Study
 link 10.5

Dialogue - Your written test on dialgue on Tuesday will focus on your ability to effectively punctuate dialogue. This exercises is good practice.
Complete this online worksheet to help you practice the punctuation of different dialogue sentences.

Remember... Book club books must be finished by Wednesday.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Break

Math Link - Use this for classwork today.

Have a truly relaxing holiday. Thank you for all your hard work.

Enjoy Rachel and Carter's excellent movie trailer again.
Coming after the break:
  • Dialogue Test
  • New Book Clubs
  • New Read alouds with cross class Grand Conversations
  • Verbs Grammar Unit
  • Final Fantasy Story
  • Week of 9th April - ITBS Exams

Blogger of the Week - Han
Student of the Week
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