
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Grand Conversation

Congratulations on finishing the ITBS.

Tomorrow we have our Grand Conversation. Feel free to pracitce this topic tonight with your parents.

Defiance  against authority is simply wrong.

Other Grand Conversation discussion topics tomorrow will include:

The government has a responsibility to make sure its citizens are fed and clothed. There have to be rules everyone should follow. If it includes population control, it is for the benefit of everyone.

Luke is a prisoner in his own home; he should escape. It’s better to die than to live Luke's. What’s the purpose of life if you live like a prisoner without friends?

From now on, make your list of grand conversation words and phrases part of your everyday vocabulary.

Coming next week: Elevator pitches

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Grand Conversation / Vocabulary Games

Grand Conversation - We are getting better! ...Continue discussing this question tonight at the dinner table with your parents or via 'face talk' with your friends

The adoption of the 1979 ‘One Child Policy’ in China is both justifiable and necessary to control the excessive population growth in the country.

Banned - I think, I agree/disagree
  • You must quote back another person's opinion/articles/movies when possible
  • Pose alternatives - "Imagine if..."
  • Show empathy towards...
  • Use quotes/statistics when possible
  • Avoid, 'sitting on the fence'
  • Use advanced vocabulary  when possible ( cliche, proposterus,  etc...)
Link to April Vocabulary Words - Will you be ready to compete?
"May the words be ever in your favor"
Congratulations on another great day of testing. Only 1 more to go. How will you make sure that you give your very best tomorrow?

Be thinking about this topic and have ideas to contribute to Friday's Grand Conversation -
When  is defiance not just acceptable but required?

Monday, April 9, 2012

ITBS - Day 1

Congratulations on completing your first day of the ITBS. Reflect on your performance.
  • What did you do well?
  • What  didn't go so well in terms of  your test technique?
  • What can you do better tomorrow in terms of your test technique?
Feel free to share any ideas that you may have

For those of you who love learning new vocabuary - enjoy
Vocabulary Game

Again - This is a NO H/W night - Catch up on your reading

Excellent video that explains where the formula for the area of a circle comes from

Video explanation of how to calculate Area of a Circle

Verb - To Be Circumference

ITBS Test taking tips: (from  Maya)

Banned from your writing: TO BE as the main verb in the sentence. You'll be amazed how much your vocabulary improves by eradicating this one verb in its six voices

This is OFFICIALLY a no H/W week. If you choose to work at home on any of the projects (fantasy story/book club, updating your blog etc), feel free to do so.

This is a great video song on circles to help you learn the facts about circles

Add any test taking tips you received from your parents for others to read.

Rest tonight - Use the next 3 days to show what an excellent student you have grown into in 5th grade.

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Friday Message

How are your goals coming so far?

The Friday Message (found by Riya)
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