
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Math Assessment is tomorrow. Make sure you have looked at the Math Races sheet and Review sheet for topics you are unsure about.

 Book club presentations tomorrow afternoon - You will have one hour of class time Fri. morning to do the finishing touches.'ve worked hard this week!

Morning Announcement IDOL
Auditions next Friday.
Teams are listed below:
Nick and Harrisen - Group 1
Maya and Emma- Group 2
Alex and Carter- Group 3
Caroline and Han- Group 4
Camille and Sabine- Group 5
Nakul and Jacqueline- Group 6
Breann and Anisha- Group 7
Arielle and Riya- Group 8
Maddy and Rachel- Group 9
Rohan and Zach- Group 10
George and Aditya- Group 11

Monday- Groups 1 and 2
Tuesday- Groups 3 and 4
Wednesday- Groups 5, 6, and 7
Thursday- Groups 8 and 9
Friday- Groups 10 and 11

Format: A Song : To a tune of your choice...
Structure: Chorus:  Opening
                Verse: Facts about the day
                 Speaking: The announcements you are given to read
                 Chorus : Closing

Which team will be the next...Announcement Idol?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Titanic Essays - Due tomorrow. Look at these links to make sure you are presenting your essay correctly.

 Do NOT forget to restate the key points (probably a restate of one of your best p3 from each p2) that prove your thesis statement at the end of the essay.

Do not forget to bring in your Science tools etc. for Mrs. Clayton.

Study Link 11.6

Make sure you  are ready for your book club grand conversations and presentations later in the week.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Titanic  Essay:  Due Date Extended to Thursday. - Why am I so nice to you guys???
  • Thesis Statement is your title
  • Colorcode your final draft (Thesis/Hook - Red, p2s green, p3s blue)
  • Use advanced sentence fluency
  • Check for  over use of linking verbs

Use this link if you are still planning

Math H/W tonight: Finish IXL B9, F3, & F4

Remember:  Book club Grand Conversations will be assessed this week. BE READY!
Wed: I, Corinder  & Gone & Ella Enchanted
Thur: Gregor  & The Thief Lord & The Red Pyramid

Tenses: Future  -Will -v- Going to 
Listen to conversations over the next couple of days. See if you can hear the difference. TQ if you bring any examples to share.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Next Week

Congratulations on completing another great week. Can you believe we only have 3 - five day weeks left, 2 four days, and 1 two day. What are you going to do to finish the year showing your very best?

Next Week

Student of the Week:

Finish strong!

The  Friday Message:
What will you do with your 15 minutes of fame?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Form and Function

What a great field trip today...what will you do with your 15 mins of fame once it arrives?

Be ready for the GC question tomorrow: Jennifer is the only character who has shown any real courage in the story so far. Remember you will be arguing this question from 1st person

  • No Math H/W tonight
  • Finish your fantasy stories -  HOWEVER...If you promise your work will be amazing, I will give you the CHOICE to hand this  fantasy story in on MONDAY with no consequences...(I'm exhauseted after today, so I am guessing you guys are too!)
  • Do final preparation for Verb test ( We will do this in the morning). Can you answer all the questions on the guidelines I placed on the blog earlier in the week? - Most of  test is multiple choice and very straight forward - Best way to study for it is to look at your use of verbs in your fantasy story. Can you spot and improve your linking verbs?
Finish Strong!
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