
Monday, August 27, 2012

Men Don't Play with Dolls

Men Don't Play with Dolls on PhotoPeach  --- Or do they?

When you choose an object that has special meaning to you, your stories write themselves!

These events were the inspiration for:
What is the story ‘really’ about? – The Message/The Realization?

Being a father is so much more than the title, “daddy”.  The realization that the most important gift a parent can give is 'time' suddenly became so clear.  The bond a parent builds with a child is formed through thousands of tiny moments spent together. Moments build memories and those memories build a connection and that connection lasts a  lifetime.

Remember: Your message is COMPLETELY different to the actual event in your story.

H/W - Finish writing down your ideas in the different sections. Remember - You will shuffle around these sections for your finished draft.

Math : Study Link

Math Unit 1 Assessment will now take place this FRIDAY!
Any topics you are not sure about, make sure you see me before Friday!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Swim Party Field Trip

What did you think of the swim party today?

Important H/W over the w/end
Do NOT forget to BRING an object into school on Monday that is important to you.
This should be something small that will fit into your back pack. The object should be associated with a special memory. If everybody remembers to do this we will get our first step on the ladder to laughter.

Click here to see next week's Week at a Glance sheet.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Complete your chart of 8 ideas for stories from person,place, thing. (Due: Fri)

Study Links 1.5 (Due: Thur)

Use these links below to practice your divisibility rules. (You will need to scroll to the bottom of the page)

You can practice others by navigating further links on this site.

ONLY for those interested in going deeper into the topic... This is how you check to see if a number is divisible by 7

For next Monday. - Bring in an item that has an important personal significance to you. The item should be something small enough to fit in your back pack. You will use this item to inspire your writing. Make sure you have a special memory attached to the item.

Keep your reading log up to do

Swimming Field Trip FRIDAY - Do not forget a change of dry clothes, suncream, snacks and your lunch. You will not need any money.  

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Appositive Practice

Finish the Appostives worksheets. Consolidate your understanding by practicing with these exercises below before tackling the worksheet.
Also watch the video.

Math Study link 1.4 for fun..
Play this factor capture game
 All work Due: Wed

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Doing Something with Agency

H/W - Light tonight due to Back to School
Study links 1.2 & 1.3

Math Game (You won't believe this is H/W - it's fun!)

What characteristics does it take to do something with Agency? - We'll discuss tomorrow how we can apply this to making improvements in our own reading skills

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