Men Don't Play with Dolls on PhotoPeach --- Or do they?
When you choose an object that has special meaning to you, your stories write themselves!
These events were the inspiration for:
What is the story ‘really’ about? – The Message/The Realization?
Being a father is so much more than the title, “daddy”. The realization that the most important gift
a parent can give is 'time' suddenly became so clear. The bond a parent builds with a child is
formed through thousands of tiny moments spent together. Moments build memories
and those memories build a connection and that connection lasts a lifetime.
Remember: Your message is COMPLETELY different to the actual event in your story.
H/W - Finish writing down your ideas in the different sections. Remember - You will shuffle around these sections for your finished draft.
Math : Study Link
Math Unit 1 Assessment will now take place this FRIDAY!
Any topics you are not sure about, make sure you see me before Friday!