
Monday, September 10, 2012

Photopeach & Counting Up

Optional: Create a photopeach tonight and share the url with the class through comments

Winner and Class Student Council Representative is Ashlin  Runner-Up Kayzad
Thank you for all those who took part

Make your setting description the best possible.   This is a quick link to the goole doc. Is the emotion you feel about the place 'crystal clear' - Share the names of the people that you think are writing strong pieces.Tomorrow, you will start putting your narrative 

Study link 2.3
IXL E.1 (compulsory to 70points)

Recap of Counting Up Method

Friday, September 7, 2012

Fail, Fail, Fail Better!

Click here for next week's Week at a Glance

Your Math Test Error Analysis is compulsory work over the weekend. WHY?

Name things that you have improved despite first 'failing'... at

"If you are getting all the questions right; you are not working on hard enough problems." 2004 Nobel Prize Winner

Student of the Week: Reid For your excellent, insightful contributions to class Grand Conversations

"I believe that children are the future. Teach them well and let them lead the way" W. Houston Remember this when you are preparing for your Student Council presentations for Monday

Free Time over w/end?

  • IXL
  • Handwriting
  • Math Fact
NEXT WEEK will be when we get really into tech integration and using your blogs
1) Bring in your cameras on Monday
2) You will learn Vocaroo and Photopeach

The Friday Message: What is interesting is looking at the authors of these quotes

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Character Descriptions


Make sure you 'lift a line' from your writing and expand it into a paragraph for tomorrow.


  • Study Link 2.1
  • What were the two key points we need to remember when making estimates?

Light H/W tonight. Perhaps you can catch up on:

  • Typing Practice
  • Handwriting Practice
  • Math Fact Practice

Tell me something you learned in school this week so far: +1 for thoughtful contributions: Just type you answer and click.

What have you learned in school so far this week?... at

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


A very interesting Grand Conversation today. There are obviously some issues that are beneath the surface that we need to address. What are your thoughts (feel free to comment) on today's conversation based on these two areas:

  • Showing Mutual Respect
  • Being an organized 5th grader?
What is the message in this clip?

Tomorrow is your first grammar test. Almost all of my grammar tests are OPEN NOTES - This means that you can bring in any study materials that you have created yourself and use them in the test to help you!!! - However, if you don't understand the concepts - the notes won't help!

Expand your ideas as much as possible on your 'turning points'  graphic organizer - You should have at least 3 good paragraphs for tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012



1. Appositives and Parts of Speech worksheets.
2. Online appositive practice

Play this game yourself or against a family member

Parts of Speech Game

Bring any questions you have about these grammar topics to me tomorrow. Test is Thursday.
3. Read
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