"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." Maya Angelou
Friday, November 9, 2012
Next Week
Both our characters unit and our persuasive writing unit close next week. Make sure you produce your very best work on your final pieces of work going into the close of these units.
Due Date for final persuasive essay: Next Fri
Due Date for Character Paragraphs: Extended to Tuesday Nov 20th
Prepositional Phrase Test is tomorrow. Make sure you have tackled some of the online practice and watched this video. 'Do you know what the 'object of the preposition?'
Study Link 5.3
Challenge your parents to do the 'fraction strips'
You must finish all the writing of your prepositional phrase skit for tomorrow. We will do the final filming in class tomorrow afternoon. - Use the google doc. to work collaboratively. Make sure your text contains:
A variety of prepositional phrases
Advanced vocabulary
Some persuasive techniques
Some Character - Reading skills references (e.g. objects/nuauanced/empathy etc)
+1 if you copy/paste some your best paragraphs onto a comment so people can see how well you have used the skills we have been practicing
Ashlin - Don't forgot your photo /;-)
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Study link 5.2
For Friday's Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases Test tackle these exercises: You do not have to do them all, but you should at least check each one out.
From Your Art Teacher We are going to start a digital photography project inspired by Frida Kahlo's work. Her self-portraits include a monkey and a jaguar on her shoulder. We would like your students to bring in something that is special to them for their self portrait. Ideally it would be a stuffed toy. Please remind them to bring this item for their next art class. I will have some items in my classroom, but if they want their self-portrait to be truly personal, it would help for them to bring this item to their next art class. Pages from prepositional phrase booklet: Due Wed Hope you had a nice day without me. I'll be meeting to discuss your thesis statements tomorrow. You will also be shooting some of the scenes for your Prepositional Phrase skit tomorrow. Make sure you have some scenes ready to record
You need a finished working draft of your UN Day slide for WEDNESDAY (this is a change for what I said in class today). This means that you have collected, written, thought out what you are going to do. Perhaps even drawn/designed it on a piece of paper - All you will need to do tomorrow is create the final slide/ record the 8 sec clip etc.
Write the thesis statement for your final essay on the blog's wallwisher. This will be your last essay on persuasive writing. Make sure it is a topic that you KNOW something about. If you have a strong thesis, the essay will be easy to write.