
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Writing Sophisticated NF Claims

Homebase Info
Devon your turn to share your passions. Kira & Min Jung, you can go tomorrow if you would like to.

Lesson Recap
Use this link for your article: Writing Sophisticated Claims

Notice the progression below of a simple claim (that discusses observations and patterns) and a more sophisticated claim (that discusses the purpose of the patterns or the text in a wider context).
Look at these pieces from Jen and David that move their thinking to the wider context

Reading Classes
H/W Membean 50 mins (30 in class)
Most people have not selected an article for themselves for  Friday's in class summative NF reading assessment. Therefore, you will use this article: Read, Kids Read. You are welcome to prepare notes on the article and bring them to class.  Your video commercials are due on FRIDAY. Place them on your blog when finished with the script below. Color code your use of the phrases

Writing Classes
Reminder: The Phrases Grammar test is moved to Monday - Use the links to practice
G/H Class - Your videos are due on your blog by Monday. Place them on your blog when finished with the script belowColor code your use of the phrases

Think Creatively - Hopefully this video will help inspire you to come out with good ideas for  your video. Thanks Ethan for sharing.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Application of Phrases

H/W - Writing Classes: You must spend about 15 mins working on your phrases script/video with your partner. Link to Mentor Text: MouthBlast Toothpaste

Grammar Review:  
You must use a wide variety of absolute, prepositional and appositive phrases to create an advertising campaign to sell a product of your choice. ( A minimum of x3 examples of each type of phrase should be in your skit.) 

Grammar Test on Phrases will be on Monday19th due the shortened week.


Lesson Recap:  Remember to ensure a high use of domain specific language in your piece. Perhaps even use the bold text feature or italics to make that language stand out. Expert writers often place a glossary in their article of advanced terminology. Finally, remember to always find synonyms to refer to the topic of your article. e.g. An article about MERS might use: this disease, this illness, an epidemic of this proportion etc...when referring to the idea. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Opening Eyes

Today's graphic design link attached here: graphic design tips and tricks

C/D Class - What can you learn from watching this piece?  You are the one responsible for ensuring that you and the people around you are learning.

Next Week:

Reading Classes: You will need to show me the article that you plan to use for your in class RR before Thursday.

Friday: Phrases  Grammar Test (Relative, Absolute, Prepositional, and Appositive)

These are the practice exercises from the unit that you should tackle before next Friday.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

A gift...

This is the best video I've seen! It is the best gift you will get this year if you know how to value it. (Thank you to Nathan for sharing it).

Grammar Unit 4 Prepositional Phrases

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Writing Sophisticated NF Claims

Review of Today's Session: Writing Sophisticated Claims

Make a copy of this doc. Sophisticated claims

Remember the continuum of claims we learned today.
Other  examples of basic to sophisticated claims. Can you see which level is which?

Reading Classes: Next Friday, you will do your 'in class' summative paper on NF reading. Between now and then you must bring in an article that you plan to use, so I can approve it.  If you do not chose your own article, you will be given one in class on the day. - Not having time to read the article in advance will make this task harder. (You are welcome to think about your claim beforehand, but you will do the writing in class)

Well done - Your claims showed growth. We still have work to do to get them into the 'context' category...but we have made a great start.

Writing Classes
I am not in class tomorrow. You will use the session to draft out a pencil and paper outline for your finished feature article.  YOU MUST BRING THIS OUTLINE TO CLASS ON FRIDAY. (Your H/W is to make sure it is finished)

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