
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Subjects and Predicates

Use this link to go to your subjects and predicates TEST
Congratulations C/D Block 16/22 students scored ABOVE EXPECTATIONS on the test!

EVERYBODY must bring in a PRINTED copy of their memoir for TOMORROW
Presentation Requirements

  • A Title  Effective (not my Memoir)
  • 1.5 line spacing
  • Organized in paragraphs - especially your dialogue
  • Author's  Note at the end of  the piece
  • Highlighted Membean words

C/D & E/F - You MUST bring in your story ready to participate in a book club discussion TOMMOROW. You will be assessed on how prepared you are. You will then write a reading response after your discussion
Revision tips

 Have you used your subjects and predicates in your piece?

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Memoir: Endings

No new H/W tonight Subjects and Predicates Test: TOMORROW

You will need to submit your Memoir either 'end of class tomorrow' or Friday morning.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Assessment Week

This will be a busy week:
  • Subjects and Predicates Test: Thur
  • Memoir: Final Draft (End of class Thur or beginning of class Fri)
  • C/D - E/F classes Reading Response Fri (you will be given the stories today to prepare for Friday)

You 'REALLY' know your theme if you can summarize your whole paper in 6 words - this is a known as a '6 word memoir' - Look at the video and the excellent examples from these students

You will have Tue, Wed, and Thur to work on your memoirs.

Finished Memoir Mentor Text from last year - Read this to see how Kira jumps in and out of her anecdotes and reflections on how she is different or changed because of her experiences

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Memoir: Getting it done!

Copy all your anecdotes/drafts etc that you have done so far on your memoir into one doc. MAKE SURE THE DOC. IS set so that anyone with link can edit. Drop the link in the file below for your class.

C/D class: Identity Memoir Link
E/F class: Identity Memoir Link
G/H class: Identity Memoir Link

Lesson recap: Do you know what you are doing as a writer?

No new H/W tonight - Do not forget to come to class prepared tomorrow to discuss your story. Your preparation for the story will be a summative.

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