Recap and H/W
C/D class only - Finish your short piece of writing that uses 'simple sentences' - You should have written between 100-150 words.
Highlight your simple sentences. Can you spot them in your paragraph and distinguish between tools and simple sentences? DUE WED!
E/F (Due Wed)
G/H classes (Wed)
Example from Victoria
Bonus Presentation
Some of you got the opportunity today to hear the 8th grade visiting author,
Susan Campbell Bartoletti speak. Please write a comment on the blog stating what your biggest take-away was from today's talk.
H/W - C/D & E/F
30 minutes of Membean by Friday (50 mins for the week) - You will get a grade this week on your practice.
In Wednesday's class - you will write your first reading response. Make sure you have been recording your thinking. - You do not have to write about the entire book, just any aspect of the book that you think is signficant. Look at the Reading Response links on the right of the blog to see a typical RR from last year. - Make sure you are ready.- This will be your first summative for the second semester.