
Friday, August 14, 2015

See Think Wonder

We learned how to transitive from avid readers (plot junkies) to interpretative readers. Great readers recongize that there has only ever been one plot ever written, "nothing is what it seems."

Make sure you bring your independent reading book to every class from now on.
Optional - Spend some time refining your question for our visiting author (Mon - C.D and E/F. Thur G/H block)
Optional - Win +1 if you copy/paste you question for our author into a comment. Remember - you will need to refine the question and make it succinct (find out what that word means!)

Lesson Recap

Student Sample

The Friday Message
Will you give up when it gets tough, or will you show patience and perseverance? Win +1 for leaving a comment!

Have a great w/end!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Power of Words

Welcome to RLA

Digital Notebook

Today, you were introduced to the 'power of words'
Some major take-aways:

  • 'Fail - BIG' - Push yourself 
  • Smash out of that comfort zone!
  • Practice what you are BAD at!

H/W  (Due Fri)
Bring a book that you have read that you would recommend to other 7th graders. You might need to go to the library

Write a comment under today's blog post that states something that you learned in RLA class.

Stick your 'Comfort Zone' in a special place near your desk. Take a photo of it and place the image on your blog. We will compare images in 3 months to see how you have stepped out. (Due: Next Monday)

Secret Question: The answer to the secret question is SAUSAGES. You will need this tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Summer Reading - Tiger Tales Access

Reminders for the rest of the Week

1. Your permission slip for the waterslide trip (Thursday). It's attached if you need another copy. 
2. Your one-piece bathing suit, homebase shirt, running shoes. CHANGE OF CLOTHES FOR AFTER THE RACE. It's free dress, please follow school rules about appropriate dress.
3. Yummy BREAKFAST food for homebase. Plan Tuesday evening, so you bring something good.
4) Free dress Wed and Thur 

Summer Reading
Goodreads 10 “books I REALLY want to read” this summer  Best book sites

Thursday, May 28, 2015

1 Learning Day Left

GRAMMAR End of Year Videos - Drop link here

Drop your Feature Article HERE E/F class
Drop your feature article HERE - C/D turn in file
 (make sure you are signed into you account.)

Mentor TEXTS here

If you are listed below, you still need to return your library books.

Laila Abou-oaf (Paloma)
Claire Aronson (Selley)
Sajid Farook (Selley)
Brian Kitamura (Paloma)
Victoria Netessine (Fan)
Hamza Sheikh (Buxton)
Aiden Sherry (Buxton)
Hayden Welsh (Derksen)

Membean Test tomorrow

Due Date for FA  FRIDAY
  • C/D and E/F - Beginning of class
  • G/H End of Class. (G-H Done is better than perfect. I will factor into your grades the fact you have not had as much time working on this unit as my other classes.)
Tonight is your last chance to do any RLA H/W. Thank you for your time and for all your efforts. I am very proud of you all and the progress you have shown. 

Remember  - It's what you do with you learning in the future that matters.

"Learning is what remains after you have forgotten everything that you were taught"

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