Please return all classroom library books tomorrow. We will go to the school library to check out books for the holiday reading Fri. Poetry Top 10 - Deadline extended until FRIDAY Drop your work in here: My Poetry Top 10 e.g.
You need 80mins Membean for last two weeks by End of Class Fri.
Minutes done up to Thur.
Poetry Recitation Redos - My classroom Wed. from 7:30am onwards
H/W - You need to turn in your poetry Top 10 by Thursday. You must END your Poetry Top 10 with a copy of your final 'original poem' and your author's note.
Task: Name the 'top 10' things you have learned to do as a poet.
You must provide an example of each one - (you cannot copy examples from class.) Use examples from your own work or poems you find.
Use attractive slide design
Narrate your slides using quicktime screen recorder or iMovie
You must END your Poetry Top 10 with a copy of your final 'original poem' and your author's note.