- H/W - Bring an image of a setting that you could use for your suspense story. (You just need to have selected an image online and have it ready to show - no need to print it for Tuesday class e.g.
- I will not be in class for C/D and E/F block on Monday. both classes must finish your book first book club quote sandwich and submit it via Seesaw.
- This is a Membean week. Your goal for the week Fri-Fri should be 30mins (40mins for exemplary)
- Subjects and Predicates Test - Tuesday - This is a multiple choice test that just tests your ability to identify and name the x4 types of subjects and x4 types of predicates. These are sample questions. IF - you want to do more practice on subjects and predicates - see these links below.
- Please return any classroom books that you might have finished with. I am giving you until Tuesday to return your book club book
Optional Practice