H/W - Make sure you have finished the NoREdInk parallel structure practice. (Due FRI. - Will you master the content by then?) Score Exemplary for 90% + mastered.
Starting tomorrow - Quote Sandwich Debate tournament
Score points for:
Claims, Quotes with principles of authority, warrants, reasoning that goes deeper. NF craft moves (eg. domain specific language, parallel structure, impact words, emotive language, transitions etc.
Format: 1 min each to give your best delivery of a 'sophisticated' quote sandwich (you can refer to notes, but you cannot simply read out your ideas.)
- Bonus points: 30 secs each to name holes in other person's argument
- Class Vote decides the winner. Mr. Buxton has final decision to avoid any favoritism
- Check out who you compete against and when you compete - BYE means you go the next round