
Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Hope you all enjoyed the overview and video on 'Capitalism' today. Watch it again below if you are interested.

What is your opinion on government intervention into the Free Market?

Great contributions to our class discussions today Mary Grace, Hayden, and Jack. Well done!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Coming Next Week

  • Complex Sentences (What's the difference between a dependent and independent clause?)
  • Evaluating Newspaper Articles and Speeches (What criteria will you use to evaluate?)
  • Descritpive Writing
  • SSS Sentence Techniques
  • Social Studies Lesson 3 - System of Free Enterprise in the U.S.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Changes to H/W Tasks

These H/W tasks are POSTPONED until next week
Bringing Newspaer Article
Researching 8-10 facts on an American Entrepenuer/Businessman

Tonight - Finish your Essay question.
Sentence Fluency
Hook,Topic, Power 2 and 3
Approx120-140 words

See exampe of model essays below

Explain why Chuz Zia and his family plan to immigrant to the U.S.

The Chuz Zia family have packed their worldly belongings in suitcases and will begin an epic adventure to the other side of the world. Over the last century, millions of families have immigrated to the U.S. in search of a better life. Families like the Zias are attratced to the U.S. for the variety of freedoms this country offers. Once Chuz Zia arrives inthe U.S., he will have the freedom to choose where to work and where to live. He can begin his own business, or he can work for a company like Microsoft or Coca Cola if he has the qualifications. His children have the right to a free education to gain the qualifications they would need to find suitable work in thier future. Additionally, Chuz Zia can also vote in local and government elections and help select the leaders of the nation once he obtains citizenship. The freedom to practice whichever religion a person chooses is an important right all immigrations receive in the U.S. As a new citizen to this country, Chuz Zia families will also have certain responsibilities. His children must go to school or is parents could face fines. Moreover, all immigrants and citizens alike must obey the law or face being arrested. Speeding tickets and local laws are applied to all people fairly. Recieving a fair trial is another right of all citizens should he need arise. Being involves in their new society is also expected of all U.S. citizens in terms of voting in elections or contributing in a postive way to make society better. To reiterate,  rights  like working for a specific company or responsiblities like following local and state laws, atttract new immigrants like Chuz Zia to the U.S. every year. Whether the Chuiza family are greeted by the Statue of Liberty on the east coast or the Golden Gate Bridge on the west coast, they will quickly come to appreciate what a great nation they have enetered.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sentence Fluency: Compound Sentences

Do you remember the key characteristics of Compound Sentences?

Four Key Rules to make an effective COMPOUND SENTENCE
1) The two halves could stand alone as individual sentences.
e.g. Peter likes tennis, but Mark likes pizza.
2) Two halves are joined by a comma and conjunction
e.g. Claire and Mary enjoy watching television, but their children prefer the internet.
3) Information in two halves of sentences must be linked in some way
e.g. Bolognaise is made of tomatoes and pasta, and it contains shredded meat.
4) A semi colon can replace the comma and conjunction
e.g. Peter likes tennis; Mark likes pizza.

Make sure from now on your writing contains a mixture of both simple(don't start with banned words!) and compound senteces!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Change to H/W Routine Tue&Wed

Do not do the essay tonight on the H/W sheet. Work on choosing effective categories for the topics on the RC RaCS Evaluating sheet. You only need to write 3 categories per topic. Make sure you prioritize the categories. The essay is postponed until Wednesday night. It will need to be finished for this Friday.

e.g. Evaluting the Dining Room
Categories - 1) Choice of Food 2) Service 3) Facilities

Social Studies Test is postponed until next Tue. You still need to make sure you can answer the questions on the back of the H/W sheet by Thursday.
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