
Friday, January 28, 2011

Homework Week11

Click on the link above to see Week Beg, Jan 31st Homework.

This will be the last H/W sheet until after State Reports

Enjoy Nick's poem below. Which emotion is being expressed here?
Assignment Objective: ?????
It Takes Guts

Two brutes began to pick a fight
With a timid child who was full of fright.
As the name-callers jeered and taunted,
The other student was frightened and haunted.

As he watched, John grew more incense.
He couldn’t believe how the bullying was so intense.
Strength inside John began to arise.
The power came from somewhere, but it was quite a surprise.

John was shaking but knew what to do.
He approached the boys before the fist flew.
He said, “Leave him alone. He hasn’t hurt you.
You’re only daring because you are two.”

The pests turned away before there was a fight.
John turned to the boy and asked, “Are you alright?”
A wide grin spread across his face.
John felt like the strongest kid in the place.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Poetry Parties

Poetry Parties will take place on Monday morning. These will be a celebration of language, music, and literature. I expect passionate performances and powerful deliveries from ALL of you.  Each of you will have to come prepared to deliver TWO performances.  You will also need to turn in your completed, decorated poetry books containing at least 8 of the 9 poems we have done in class from the list below. You may choose NOT to include any one poem from the list below: (you are welcome to include all 9 if you decide)

Personal Poem - Describing an emotion
Narrative Poem -  Relating the world event
Inside/Outside Poem - The Fruit
Inside/Outside Poem - About yourself.
Published Poem - The poem you recited in class
Midwest Group Perform
Road Less Taken -Interpretation
Beatles song - Interpretation
Free Choice - Show your creativity here!

Side note. I am so proud to observe your brilliant creativity with respect to the regions inquiry based assignment. A perfect example was what Lilly said in class this morning,

"Mr Buxton, can I make my timeline the Brooklyn Bridge? I also want to use different cars (forms of transport) to represent the historical events that occured over time in my region."

Bravo Lilly! How will the rest of  you, 'think out of the box?'

Impressive 'elevator pitches' today  from the Buxton class for your Animoto movies. I am excited to see your finished versions next week.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thinking Out of the Box?

Are you making sure you are being creative with your ideas for the Regions project and thinking 'out of the box?

Recap. Joint the 9 dots with four lines without taking your pen off the paper.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Regions Research

Use the appropriate videos below to collect further facts on your regions. I have also attached some links for online reserach too. The stronger your research, the easier your written portion becomes.

The West

The Southwest
The Northeast

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week 11 Homework

Click the link above for your H/W sheet this week

For this Friday's Figurative Language Test you should be able to understand, identify, and recreate these types of figurative language:
Simile Metaphor Personification Repetition Alliteration Hyperbole Onomatopoeia

Ignore any out  of date links or terminology that we haven't covered
Do this practice test first. Aim to score 27/29. (ignore the first question) If you can do that, you are fine for the test. Spend time working through the exercises below then retake the practice test Wed. night. Did your score improve?



Personification Practice



Mixture (do x3 links at the bottom of the page
Examples of Figurative Language 

This activity is a fun game to play.
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