
Friday, August 31, 2012

Narrative Pieces

Congratulations on your first pieces of writing. They were very enjoyable and many clearly achieved the objectives set. Condos to Janna, Aiden, Thor, and Patrick for their Sammy Snakes

Student of the Week: Tasha
Print next week's  Week at a Glance here:

Bring in a camera for Monday's science lesson: ASK permission from your parents first. You are responsible for the camera if you bring it in. You may not use the camera on the bus to or from school. It is needed for a Science investigation

Monthly Message:  At the end of every month I add a special video on the blog that I call the Monthly Message - There is always a 'life lesson' in the video. Enjoy the first one below.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Factor Strings and Prime Factorization

1.9 and IXL K.2
Use this recap to go over today's lesson again - Test is tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Compound Sentences




  • Seed idea
  • Contains: Strong descriptions of  the object, the setting, an emotion, and a message
  • Use a variety of advanced sentence openers
  • Correct presentation: Comic Sans, Font 12, 1.5 line spacing
Optional - inserted picture of your object

Final Draft will be due on Thursday 

GRAMMAR REVIEWWe covered these complicated words today:
  • Independent Cause
  • Coordinating Conjunction
Advanced students might be able to include a few compound sentences in their narratives?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Bring a PRINTED first draft of your describing an object piece. It MUST be printed!
Did you write a powerful message and a powerful emotion in your piece?


  • Seed idea
  • Contains: Strong descriptions of  the object, the setting, an emotion, and a message
  • Use a variety of advanced sentence openers
  • Correct presentation: Comic Sans, Font 12, 1.5 line spacing

Final Draft will be due on Thursday after some in class editing.

Study link 1.7
Play these games for 10 mins  to help practice your square number recognition 

Optional: Recap on Parts of Speech - For a bonus +1
Bring any difficult word you found  in any text and explain how knowing the 'part of speech'  helped you understand the word meaning.

Watch this for fun!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Men Don't Play with Dolls

Men Don't Play with Dolls on PhotoPeach  --- Or do they?

When you choose an object that has special meaning to you, your stories write themselves!

These events were the inspiration for:
What is the story ‘really’ about? – The Message/The Realization?

Being a father is so much more than the title, “daddy”.  The realization that the most important gift a parent can give is 'time' suddenly became so clear.  The bond a parent builds with a child is formed through thousands of tiny moments spent together. Moments build memories and those memories build a connection and that connection lasts a  lifetime.

Remember: Your message is COMPLETELY different to the actual event in your story.

H/W - Finish writing down your ideas in the different sections. Remember - You will shuffle around these sections for your finished draft.

Math : Study Link

Math Unit 1 Assessment will now take place this FRIDAY!
Any topics you are not sure about, make sure you see me before Friday!

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