
Monday, January 28, 2013

Study Link 7.9

Nouns Booklet p13. + p14

Finish your poem interpretations for Wednesday.

IMPORTANT - Bring a piece of  edible fruit for tomorrow's class. Go and put it into your packpack NOW! (Try to be creative: It would be nice not to have 22 apples!)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Next Week

See the Week at a Glance here

Enjoy your videos. Sorry about the sound on the first video

Student of the Week

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Study link  7.8

Noun song. Bring a printed, labelled copy for grading. Make sure you
spelled the nouns correctly in your song. How will you make your noun
song unique?

You must bring the poem you plan to recite to class tomorrow. We will
need it for tomorrow's class.

The actual recitation of the poems has been postponed. We will begin
reciting our poems next Wed.

Monday, January 21, 2013

The universe is falling apart

Collect other great metaphors as you find them

7.5 Math
Kennings Poem (Due Wed) Approx. 16 lines. Give your poem a decent title.
Cover Page for your Poetry booklet (Thur)
Bring an everyday object to school tomorrow

Thinking Ahead....
Poetry Recitation Week
Next week you will have to recite a poem of your choice to the class. You must choose a poem between now and next Monday and memorize it. Look at the links on the left side for a resource of poems. You need to explain why you choose the poem.

I will explain what the song is tomorrow

Due:    Poems Recitation     Song Interpreation
Mon    Student #s 1-4         Student #s 5-8
Tue     Student #s 9-12      Student #s 13-16
Wed    Student #s 17-22    Student #s 1-4
Thur   Student #s 5-8        Student #s 9-12
Fri      Student #s 13-16   Student #s 17-22

Friday, January 18, 2013

Report Cards

Congratulations on  such a great first week back.  Make sure you spend some time over the w/end to discuss your report cards with your parents: Achievements  and areas for growth.

Click for next week's WEEK AT A GLANCE

Class Reps for Student Council: If you would like to represent our class on student council, have your speech ready for Wednesday.

Student of the Week: Owen

Friday Message: What's Ordinary?
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