
Friday, August 30, 2013

Weekly Reflection

MAP Makeup sessions are scheduled in the Library after school on Tuesday, September 3 and Wednesday, September 4 from 3:00pm - 4:15pm.- If you missed a session, or need to finish a test -MAKE SURE- you attend on one of these days.

Will you be able to bring your memory to life with words?

We covered a lot of new content this week.

Advanced Subjects and Predicates
Ways to Generate ideas for Memoirs
The naif (naive) narrative
M.A.P. Tests

My recommendation is that you practice your subjects and predicates here. You will be expected to incorporate these into your writing going forward. We will have a quiz on this topic on Friday Sept 6th

Be prepared - We step up the pace of learning next week!

  • Monday - Unit 1 Wordstudy Test
  • Tuesday - Your Life Slide show- Due
  • Wednesday - Naive Narrative - In class Reading Response (make sure you have read the story BEFORE class and identified any red flag moments). You will have 30minutes to write about the NARRATOR: Link to Story
  • Thursday -Subjects and Predicates practice worksheets 1+2 (Due - These will be given out Tuesday)
  • Bring your most favorite song to class - It must be something that is at least 2 years old (you can just tab it on youtube)
  • Friday - 1st Graded Reading Response Due - Will you be prepared?
  • Friday- 'Reading Ladder' Self Evaluation - More on this next week!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Flawed Narrator

Today, we introduced the concept of the 'flawed narrator'. This is another technique we can start to  use to discuss the stories we read.

What kind of character is the narrator of your story? - Use these prompts to build your opinion
e.g. Sample introductory reading response
Everything Will Be Ok by James Howe tells the delicate tale of a young boy  who finds an abandoned kitten in the woods at the end of her street. The young boy, the narrator, demonstrates his innocence and naivety throughout the story but grows in strength as the tale unfolds.
      Clearly the narrator knows the difference between kindness and unkind acts from the onset; he decides to rescue the kitten upon finding it. However,  he still plays with  Daniel or Claude just because they, " at the end of the street" (p.247).
     Naming the kitten he finds is a clear example of how the narrator shows only a partial understanding of the events.  His mistaken assumption is that her parents will automatically allow him to keep the kitten... (what else could you say about this narrator?)

Word Study Study Guide: Test is Next MONDAY

Don't forget:  Tomorrow, you need to bring an object or a picture of an object that holds special significance to you.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

"To write a life is to live it twice..."

The learning has started. We have begun!

A lot of new content covered today!
Grammar Recap:
Could you name the four advanced subjects and give examples if asked?
Can you use these advanced subjects in your descriptive writing going forward?

Mining Ideas for Memories
H/W Create you own 'slideshow of powerful memories' - Make sure the images you choose each hide a story. Minimum 20 images. Embed your finished product into your blog. Ask me if you need help with this
I opened many stories behind these must YOU!

Expectations: A minimum of 20 images - If you don't have access to images or the ones you want alternatives might be: draw a sketch, use an image that is symbolic of your idea i.e. a picture of any house could represent your first home. A stock image from google might  represent one of your favorite toys.  Use  your creativity to 'mine for memories'

DUE: NEXT Tuesday

Shout out to...RIYA for her engaging writing piece: Notice how she has really tried hard to paly around with using advanced subjects.

Thursday - We will hear from the group winners of the book talks - so we can get a good idea of what a solid 'reading response' might sound like.

For FRIDAY - IMPORTANT! Bring an object that has special significance to you. If you cannot bring the object, bring a photo of the object

I am always available if you need additional help on any topics we cover in class!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Reading Responses

Learning Behaviors Grade:  Assessment Day will be FRIDAY
Key behaviors I will be assessing:

  • Organized google drive with short cut links to main files on your bookmarks bar
  • Goodreads added to your blog
  • An up-to-date reading log 
  • A specific reading goal - I will ask you want it is!
  • You have  started  your 3rd book of the year
  • You have demonstrated a positive attitude to class
  • Class library index card and Class Reading Challenge Chart is up to date
The above represents an A student. 

Word Study  Unit 1 Test is next Monday. Use this guide as a study tool.  You should bring a digit or paper copy of this guide to the test on Monday

No official H/W tonight due to M.A.P. - Optional - Begin thinking about your reading responses.
Follow these tips to create an effective reading response: A combination of these ideas would lead to a strong reading response. First official reading response it due by next Friday. - You may turn it in sooner!

You will need your photo of a 'place' you know well for Wednesday's writing class.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Goodreads Shelves

No official H/W today due to M.A.P. Optional - Use these links to to finish setting up your Good Reads accounts and to 'add shelves' to your good reads accounts. Tomorrow, we should have time to listen to the book talks from the class from each winning group. First Word study/vocabulary Assessment - Will be next Monday (due to M.A.P.) First graded reading response -Will be due next Friday - Plan ahead!
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