
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Quote Sandwiches

Parallel Structure TEST

Lesson Recap: Quote Sandwiches  Nonfiction
Resource: Transitional techniques

H/W - You should have two quote sandwiches written per team.

For those ready for CA

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


In the second semester we will begin using a system to practice our grammar similar to Membean.

Wednesday: Go to
C/D Class - Use this code to log on to your new NoRedInk account: evk49wkd
E/F Class - Use this code to log on to your new NoRedInk account: amfckv9d

Follow the instructions to load your favorite media and then begin the parallel structure practice activity.


How is your progress? PRIZE for first teams to finish in each class!!!!!

Argument - Mentor Text: Read this. How similar will yours be?

C/D and E/F class H/W
Outlining - Each team needs a completed outline for class on Thursday.

Problem with your claim?

  • Use this link to create your nuanced claim. How does yours compare to this one?

Work on your outline tonight

For those of you ready to draft introductions .... BIG TIP - Make sure you link the hook to the claim

Synthesizing Notes

Drop your link in here for grading: No resubmissions

Next Step: Synthesizes of Notes

Parallel Structure Practice

Monday, December 7, 2015

Nuanced Claims and Correlative Conjunctions

H/W - Each team member to take notes on one of your sources. If you have enough notes create a nuanced claim as a team. (Due Tue) - You will be given a grade on your claim by the end of  class Tuesday. 

Writing A Nuanced Claim

Grammar Recap :Can you write 4 sentences about your research using correlative conjunctions?


C/D and E/F Classes Grammar End of Semester Test Thur: Parallel Structure + review questions on subjects and predicates and opening and delayed adjectives. Spend 10mins each evening on this practice.

Test Practice:
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