
Monday, January 9, 2017

Welcome Back

H/W - Make sure you finished your goodreads set up and completed your post for seesaw - Due Tue

Good Reads: Link to Set Up

Video Explanation:

READ for 30mins - You should finish your first book by FRIDAY. (we will read a lot in class this week)

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

End of the Beginning

Congratulations on turning in your final research paper. We have learned a lot about the process of research in this unit. For the majority of your educational careers and from most of your professional careers, you will most likely do considerable research. Remember the lessons from this first run through so that you can apply them to all future research projects. An SAS teacher recently shared this image related to the credibility of sources  in the 21st century.

H/W - You should be able to finish your reflection video with 40 minutes of class time tomorrow.

Sample Reflection Video

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Final Drafts

You have been sent a document for your final draft. Your final research paper must be copied inside that document.

Presentation format: See below

Today we learned two techniques to bring voice into our piece.
Attitude and Tone Words and Superlatives

Friday, December 9, 2016

Research Papers - Leads and Endings

1st Semester Data Points

Mentor Texts

Just read the introductions for these mentor samples- What do you notice?
Protest Against Racial Profiling
Coming Out
Guns Laws in the U.S.

DUE DATE for this paper = Next Wednesday - THERE ARE NO EXTENSIONS - Reports cards are written on this day - This paper CANNOT BE RESUBMITTED.

Rubric: Argument Rubric

RETURN ALL CLASS Reading books by next Wednesday. We will go to the library on Thursday to check out books for the break.

The Friday Message - This takes you back to your HB work over the last two weeks on labels

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Plagiarism checker: is your work unique? 

We will work on Introductions and Conclusions tomorrow.
You should have completed ALL your research and be ready to start working on the final draft.

Membean TEST tomorrow

Today's Work
Use these MENTOR samples and see if you can see something in each on that you can use in your paper - The claim for this piece was: Despite the  many situations where guns have been to blame for innocent deaths, firearms must stay legal in the U.S. but under stricter laws.

Quote Sandwich Example

Laws by far, have always been there to guide, mentor, and advise each and every citizen, those laws are not always as firm as they were intended to be. By tightening the loose bonds, the US can lower the number of tragic shootings. In an Article by Lori Higgins called, “Should Guns be allowed in School” sources the Ann Arbor Public Schools superintendent. She says, “As a society, we regularly protect our airports, our courtrooms, our Legislatures. We have a number of locations designated in the law that are considered protected places. We certainly feel like one could not think of a more worthy location for that protection than a public school classroom.” Usually, school and college campuses seem safe, and they usually are. However, when a shooting occurs, campuses can seem unsafe, risky, and insecure. The article teaches the reader the fearful and scary truth, Safety is at utmost risk, especially with the loosely enforced gun laws. It greatly emphasizes the need of guns in schools. If the laws or regulations are changed, schools in America can turn it around and rejoice in the safety of faculty and students. In other words, firearms need to have stricter laws concerning their impact on numerous schools.

Counterargument MENTOR

However, many parents, teachers, and news reporters argue that guns should be completely outlawed. Arguably, the evidence against guns appears flawless and a bit convincing. Everybody knows that guns can be misused by criminals to create dreadful destruction. One example is on an article by John Stossel titled “Why Guns are Good” says that guns kill 30,000 Americans every year. Despite the title, it does clearly prove that guns are responsible for thousands of deaths. This tragic statistic it very true. Compared to Canada, where there are only 780 gun related deaths per year shows that the US is clearly facing a problem. In the critic's point of view, the only solution is banning guns. But seriously, guns are not the problem. Clearly, this vision of these critics is incredibly short sighted. Criminals are taking advantage of these loose gun laws, and using guns that should not under any condition be open for the public. The same article continues on stating “Free society violence is always going to be a part of it if guns are available.” Meaning, the solution is Congress needs to make gun laws stricter so it will be harder to obtain them. Outlawing guns is just ridiculous, unbelievable, and outrageous. Undoubtedly, we as a society know that creating stricter gun laws, will make guns themselves harder to poses and school shootings rare.

Advanced Level Step

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