
Monday, October 13, 2014

Student Led Conferences: My Learning - My Growth

Congratulations on finishing your Memoirs - For those students who would like to resubmit their work for a higher grade - you must copy the link in the file directly to the right of this post titled 'Resubmitted Work.' The opportunity to resubmit a piece of work stays open for 30 days from the original due date.  Drop your teacher an email to let you know that you have a link to a new version of work.

Use this link for today's class

My Strengths and Goals

Fill the form out VERY carefully. Make sure you have evidence to prove your choices

Follow these guidelines

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Buxton, I believe you mentioned that we could work on our evidence slideshow tomorrow in class while watching the movie. I'd like to confirm if we could finish it tomorrow instead of leaving it as homework.

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