I know you are all excited to begin the test. Here it is!
Sentence Clauses Test
Proof Read carefully BEFORE submitting your responses. Retakes for summative will only be allowed after you complete further coursework. Get them right the first time!
Make sure you add your name and email address or you will need to redo the test.
(Can you spot the error above? - Great. You are obviously ready for the test!)
E/F and C/D classes: Homework
For tomorrow, you need to read this story. Any notes you take, you can use in class.
The Marble Champ
You will do an in class RR using any of the Reading Skills lens we have done in our Social Issues Book Club unit.
Grading Rubric
Watch Maddie's simple but effective Memory Hook for her sentence Techniques.
I am missing this library book from class. Please return it if you have it at home. Thank you