Finish the Appostives worksheets. Consolidate your understanding by practicing with these exercises below.
Also watch the video.
Social Studies:
Based on our session on quality questioning today, i don't think you'll ever think about questions again the same way. Think about questioning techniques ever time you hear or ask a question in the future. Bonus plus points if you can response to a parent's question tonight by identifying explaining to them the type of question they asked and why they asked it. e.g. mom- did you have a good day at school today? child-mom, I can tell you are asking an inference question because you can see a big smile on my face and you already know what I'm goning ot say. To earn the +1 you must write about your Q+A exchange. It must be a real situation and not just set up to earn you +1
Lesson 2.2 & 2.3 Study LinkRLA
Work on your Book Talk