
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Book Club

Kudos today for the leading roles played in book clubs by Riya, Maddy, Emma, and Caroline.
Points to consider for tomorrow's conversation:
  • Quote the salient point/repeat other people's ideas
  • Accept and reject ideas
  • Offer your opinion through questions
  • Make personal connections / show empathy
  • Summarize take-aways if possible as the conversation develops
  • Use GC terminology
Synonyms of I Think...
I'd like to argue/suggest.
In my opinion
Ask a question

Will you shine tomorrow?
Luke is a pessimistic coward who allows himself to be intimidated and bullied by his brothers, his dad, and even his mom. He needs to grow a backbone and learn to stand up for himself.
Study Link 11.3

30minutes on your story

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Thur and Fri work

Updates and H/W

Vocabulary Games words are updated on the google docs. link.
'May the Words be Ever in Your Favor' - Starts on Monday

Grand Conversation - You must decide a Grand Conversation question for your book club for tomorrow. Each group will get 4-5 mins in a fish bowl infront of the class to discuss your topic in Thursday's class.

Lesson 11.2

Social Studies: I will be checking in with you on your 'Statement of Purpose' on/by Friday

Spend 30minutes on your story. Everybody should have a minimum of 1 scene ready for inspection tomorrow

Friday's Cross Class - Grand Conversation Question:Luke is a pessimistic coward who allows himself to be intimidated and bullied by his brothers, his dad, and even his mom. He needs to grow a backbone and learn to stand up for himself.

Point to Ponder: What is the difference betweeen covert and overt bullying?

This G.C. will take place in the library. You will be placed into mixed groups of approx. 10 students between the two classes

Vocabulary from today
  • Omitted - not included
  • Quantify your point - put your idea into a context
  • Verb Phrase
  • distress call

See an example of an S++ Glog below

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Research Link

If you use your time well in class, your H/W load is far less. People not using class time effectively are seeing there H/W load grow.
  • Social Studies -Use this link to help guide your Singapore History Research  - You should have your 'Statement of Purpose' in your notes
  • Study link 11.1
  • Book Club - Read (approx 20- 30 minutes)
  • Fantasy Story - Work on it for approx 30 minutes (Spend time working on your plot before trying to write your story. You will save time in the long run) - 'in the long run' - another great G.C. phrase!
  • Science is due Thursday
New Vocabulary Words from today...
  • superlative
  • comparative
  • omniscient voice
  • on the same page

Monday, April 16, 2012


The Tabitha speech was very inspiring today. It shows that, "if you want to move mountains, you must begin by taking away small stones." - You can make a difference. Do what you can to help.

Important Dates
• Now – Wed 25 Apr (and to end of campaign): collect pledges at home
• Wed 25 Apr: Jumpathon (during your Sci/SS period in the morning – more specific info about the event itself will follow)
• Thu 26 Apr – Fri 4 May: turn in pledges to home form teachers (more info about the daily collection of these funds from you and collation of all funds will follow as well)

The aim is for each class to raise a minimum of $1,550 which will put the grade over the $20,000 goal. As in the past, there is a pizza lunch offered as a reward for the class with the highest amount raised. I WANT TO WIN THIS PIZZA PARTY!

Social Studies: Make sure your: Statement of Purpose for your Singapore research project is due for Wednesday. - You probably need to spend 30 minutes doing notes on your project
You must have visited your site by May 2nd
Due Date for this final project = Week of May 21st

RLA: Spend 30-45mins working on your fantasy story. People that did not give their pitches today, must do so tomorrow. - Feel free to post your pitches on the blog for common. Those students who didn't receive a financial investment in their stories from 'Buxtoversal Studios' should not be perturbed. Harry Potter was rejected 26 times before finding an investor.

Fantasy story due date pushed back until next Wed. 25th

Verb Package Booklet:  Pages numbered p.48,34,49 (Due: Tue) - POSTPONED (We will work on this tomorrow)

No Math H/W tonight

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Friday Message

Student of the Week: Jacqueline
Blogger of the Week: Nakul

Next Week: Elevator pitches
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