
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Titanic Field Trip tomorrow:
  • You must where school uniform
  • Bring a packed disposable lunch and snack
  • Don't forget you are looking to try and answer  your thesis statment

Your notes on the Teacher Appreciation Day card were VERY sweet and genuine. I was truly touched by your kindness and notes and thanks.

Study Link 11.7
 Recap: Surface Arean of a Cylinder Explanation:

Other Work
  • Book club
  • Verb Exercises
  • Fantasy Story Writing Stay busy ....

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Among the Hidden


Be thinking of your salient points for Among the Hidden for Friday’s cross class G.C. You must speak only from the perspective you were given in class today. You will speak in 1st person.

Jennifer is the only character that has shown any real courage in the story so far

Math Study Link 11.5

Verbs – Try some of the practice exercises below. (earlier post) Spend 10 mins each night working through some of the different links. Bring any questions that confuse you to class for discussion.

RLA – How is your story progressing. You should be close to completing your first draft today.

  • Correctly punctuated dialogue
  • A clear message/ moral to the story
  • Contains elements of the fantasy genre
  • Very strong word choice/verb choice/sentence fluency
  • Focus: Fantasy Writing Title: (your invented title) Name: (Your name)
  • 1.5 line spacing
  • Comic sans font




Verb Test Support Exercises

Verb Test Practice
You should watch these videos and tackle these exercises for practice with your  'Verbs' test this Friday Make notes of any questions that confuse you and bring them to school. You may bring in two index cards full of notes.
Make sure you know -
  • Difference betweeen linking verbs and action verbs.
  • How do you spot a linking verbs?
  • How to spot and write verb phrases in interrogative, negative (n't)
  • How to calculate a verb ratio
  • How to identify transitive and intransitive verbs
  • The six voices of the verb 'to be' in past present and future
  • How to write sentences in the six voices






Background Reading and Recap of Verbs

Verb 'to be'

Linking and Action Verbs

Infinitive Practice

Transitive and Intransitive


Verb Phrases

Play verb phrase game

Further Reading on Linking Verbs

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Study link 11.4
Recap on how to calculate volume of a cone

How many formulas have you learned  to calculate volume and area?
Can anybody invent a system to remember which formula goes with each shape?

RLA - You should be close to finishing 2/3 of your story by now. (Spend 30-45mins) working on this tonight

Use this video to help you craft your thesis statement for the Titanic Exhibit  museum trip.
You need your thesis statement by Thursday.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Next Week

Next Week

Excellent example of one section from Clayton class of applying learning

Student of the Week - Riya

Blogger of the Week: Alex (Check  out his blog. The contribution and posts are excellent!)

The Friday Message
Fill your lives with experiences of  the best of the best. A clip from the 25th anniversary of  Les. Mis. - The Greatest musical in history!
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