
Friday, August 17, 2012

Congratulations to Sammy Snake winners:   Talia, Janna, Patrick, Sam for their creative and engaging Where I Am From = poems presentation. Think very carefully about the feedback I gave today. What were the specific points I tried to make? What do you think you need to do differently to win a Sammy Snake?

Congratulations to Student of the Week:  JANNA
Your  enthusaism, attention to detail, mature attitude and excellence were evident all week! Keep it up!
Next  Week
Print the Week at a Glance sheet at home this w/end.  

Monday - No School.. yeppee!
Friday - Water ParkThe First Week of School on PhotoPeach

What a great first week!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Word Study: The Origin of Language

Enjoy the full video again from today's session.

Turn and Talk
Make these vocabulary words/phrases part of your everyday language from now on:

  • You've got a salient point...
  • On the contrary... 
  • That's ambiguous...
  • Justify your point...

Remember - always try to repeat the speaker's opinion.

H/W Recap
Book covers - approx 10-20 (Due: Fri)
Explanation of Math text book (Due: Fri)

Listen to our x6 table song again. How soon will it be before you master this?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Marshmellow Challenge

Watch below a recap of today's video on our Team Building exercise. When you receive your first team assignment, will you be able to apply the strategies we discussed on collaboartion today to produce an effective end product?

Make sure you are reading between 20-30 minutes each evening. A least 1 sticky per 15 minutes of reading. Keep your reading log up to date.

Final draft of poem (Due: Thur)

In addition to  the guidelines that are on your sheet, think about:
  • Does your poem have effective format and structure?
  • Does your peom contain at least 10-15 proper nouns or adjectives?
  • Are any lines of your poem so 'sticky' they  literally jump off the page?
  • If you read your poem out loud, would people know almost instantly who it was about?

By Friday - Copy between 10-20 book covers that  are special for you in some way. It can be from 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Where I'm From Poem

If you are reading this, you  have already accomplished  the first task - Check the blog every evening!

Where I'm From Poem - (Draft due Wed)
Don't forget your draft for your poem for class tomorrow.  Look at the sample in yesterday's post. Number of lines are a guideline. You should do at least 16, but you may do more. Avoid doing more than 30 lines. Do not worry about this poem. It is only a draft. If you are not 100% sure what you need to do, just do what  you think you need to do, and I'll help you tomorrow. Remember today's class was about organization. 

For those ready for a challenge...
Remember, today's writing session focused on organization. How can you put your ideas together in a logical way?
Think about the story your poem will tell. Is it the past, present, future you... or... the hobbies and interests you or something else? Can you write  your  poem in stanzas that show purposeful organization
Reid- you can have more time on this as you missed today's session

H/W 2
For Friday you will need printed pages of book covers that you have read that made an impact on your life so far.  You should collect a minimum of 10 printed book covers. Remember to use 'size' to show the difference  of how important  a story was to you. The sheet of paper you bring in with your covers should look like this link here

Grammar Class Reflection
What did you learn today about the different ways to start sentences?
Will you use these techniques the next time you start writing?

Monday, August 13, 2012

First Day of School - Recap

Congratulations everybody on your first day. It felt like a whirlwind, but I know that we have planted many seeds that will flourish as the year unfolds. A few topics that you might want to discuss with your parents when they ask how the first day of school went:
  • Code of Conduct: What are my rules and why?
  • Can you now make T.O.A.S.T.?
  • Why do you need to go and tidy your room?
  • Who is your biggest enemy and how can you defeat that person?
  • The Socratic Method - Why won't Mr. Buxton answer all your questions?
  • How can you make your writing truly unique and specific?
H/W Guidelines
  • Read the WILF on the poem sheet I gave out in class today. Remember you only need a draft of your ideas by tomorrow. If you are unsure on this assignment, bring questions in for me to answer tomorrow.
  • Don't forget a sock for Math
  • Begin tidying your room!
See this example below of a poem from one of my superb students from last year:

Please feel free to add comments and share your thoughts and feelings of your first day in 5th Grade.

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