I hope you all enjoyed your holiday. I did!
We hit the ground running with new units when we return. Make copies of these files and place them into your shortcuts. Remove all 'old' shortcuts.
Poetry Reading Unit: How to Eat a Poem
H/W: You need to bring to
Tuesday's class the lyrics of a song you really like. (Choose 'age appropriate' song)
Poetry Writing Unit: Crafting Engaging Poetry
H/W: For Wednesday's class
Bring a printed version of an article that you have found on the internet about a topic that makes you angry e.g. $70,000 Missing from Newton Town Donations
You will be writing on this paper, so make sure you have a printed copy
Unit 6 Word Choice
The expectation is that you will complete at least 30minutes of
Membean practice between Monday and Friday. Those of you that
did not complete the last Membean test on the last day of school last semester will take that test on Tuesday.
Well done to those who choose to continue praticing Membean into January: Jess, Jordan, Ethan, Marium and the most hardworking student on Membean over the break (notice the superlative!) ZACK!
What will you do this sesmester to be..."the best that you can be?"