Slam Poetry: For Thursday, you must have a minimum of 20-30 details related to your topic for your slam poem. You will be given 30mins of classtime to work on this poem
Tips on Slam Poetry
If you are stuck, brainstorm around these topics:
- What are some of the strongest emotions you feel?
- What events/situations cause these emotions to grow?
- What are you thinking when these events happen?
- What would you like to do (others should do) about these situations?
Due Monday
Create a video 'slam' of your poem. Jumpcut would be an excellent way to present this idea. Upload the video to youtube and insert the verb into your poetry portfolio.
- Approx. 20-30 lines
- Covers a topic or an emotion that you are passionate about
- Uses precise details not generalities
- Integrates some poetic devices
- Contains a poetic journey (we will discuss this more Thursday)
- Delivered in a powerful way that uses B.E.V.E.S.)
Touchscreen (Thanks Devon)
What do teachers make...?
Look at these mentor poems. Anybody can resubmit their work for an improved grade between now and CNY. In order to resubmit, you need to tell me three things that any of these students did that you didn't. Remember: Do not 'resolve comments' on your google slideshow. This should be used as a guide for future poems/interpretations.