
Monday, October 7, 2013

Writing Effective Endings

Opening Adjectives and Adverbs Package: 1st page only: Due Wed

Today, we learned three very different techniques to craft endings that show learning, change, and growth. You are invited to use a combination of these endings with each of your anecdotes. To use these endings effectively, you will need to THINK deeply about each individual anecdote and why you choose that anecdote to write about in the first place. Used correctly, these types of ending are VERY powerful.

Link: Techniques to end Memoirs

Final Memoir: Due Oct 18th
You should have 'almost' a completed first draft of your memoir by Wednesday's class.

Wed 9th and Wed 16th will be redrafting and editing days.

You will have about 35-45mins of class time Tuesday to work on your Reading Response which is due Wed. Make sure you are making 'claims' about your character.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Weekly Reflection

Learning Behaviors bi-monthly grade added to powerschool. Well done to the vast majority of you who have been keeping your reading log up to date!

Congratulations on your first assessed discussion today. Discussion grades will be in powerschool by Sunday 12pm Three points to consider:

1) If you do the work, (read and think about the text beforehand) you will LEARN. If you don't...
2) Always think about how setting effects characters
3) State unique claims that could beyond the most obvious statements

Reminder: If you perform badly on an assessment, you can redo it. I had three people today redo their 'parts of speech' assessment. Each one improved their grade score! I will not chase you. You must ask me!

Next Week

  • Character reading response due: Wed - Make sure you are stating a clear claim. Look at mentor text example on blog for guidance.
  • Be prepared for your first 'Book club' discussion - Tue
  • First Draft of Memoirs finished by end of class: Wed - Due date for memoirs will be: Friday Oct 18th.

Put a smile on your face this weekend

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Opening and Delayed Adjectives

Today, you had the opportunity to decide what you would share with your parents at conferences. KNOWING and being able to NAME what you are learning is a vital step in the learning process.

You have also learned how to write sentences with opening and delayed adjectives. Can you use them in your writing? H/W: You must watch this video

C/D class - We will cover delayed adjectives in our next session
Don't forget to be prepared for tomorrow's small group discussion on Inside/Out

Do you want to be happy in life? Watch this!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Reading Response: Characters

Today you were set your next Reading Response on character. Use the mentor text that we discussed and the points that you wrote down to help guide what you need to do for your reading response. (E/F file linked here)  PRINTED copies of your reading response are due: NEXT WEDNESDAY (This is a writing day). A QR Code embbed printed image  of your reading response will be due on the Wednesday AFTER parent teacher conferences. I will explain what this is and how to do it  in Friday's class

Remember: Friday - Your discussion and debate skills will be assessed on the story: Inside/Out. You will discuss the story in small groups. Make sure you come to class prepared with your copy of the story.

Reminder (Two anecdotes/paragraphs written on your memoir by Thur.)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Memoirs: Openings

Remember: Tomorrow is a 'Late Start' Day.

All Students and Faculty
Please wear PINK on Friday, October 4 to show your support for the kick-off of PINK-TOBER. (Powerful video linked in previous word.) During the entire month of October SAS will be running a Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign. All proceeds will go to Look for more information throughout the month and visit the tables in the MS Cafeteria on Friday for more information.

Homebase - Boys. Finish your superhero design for tomorrow.

Today we examined openings. We discussed five types of openings and how to create them:

You will be expected to use a variety of these approaches when crafting not just your opening, but also each of your anecdotes.

You should have at least '2' of your anecdotes completed drafted by Thursday.
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