
Thursday, February 13, 2014

What do fish have to do with it?

"What a person needs is always more than what they say."

Write a short paragraph explaining the symbolism hidden in today's story.

C/D Class Write your answers in this file  

Make sure you have completed your scene on cruelty and/or kindness.
We will be sharing these in class tomorrow.

You should have 50mins minimum of Membean by Friday's class.

Next Week's Homework: Use the blog to ask any questions about this new approach to H/W. I will go over it in class tomorrow and answer some of your questions

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Scratch the Surface - Find the Writer

Formative Assessment on Sentences, Fragments, and Run-ons: Pop Quiz
Answer the 20 questions. Show me the result once you have finished

After today's pop quiz, if you realized you still do not get these concepts, use these links as further practice. This work is optional but worth it if you scored a 'B' or below in today's assessment. No time limit to complete the exercises: Sentence Clauses: Run-ons and Comma Splices

Lesson Recap

Find the inspiration for your writing in the 'cruelty and the kindness' that we are surrounded by.

Remembering the examples from today.

H/W -

You must write a scene that exemplifies a moment of cruelty or a moment of kindness that you have directly or indirectly experienced: Due Friday

Remember: You can change the facts./Location/Characters/ Resolution

Listen to the inspiration for Wonder again...

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Book Clubs

Social issues emerge from: 1) Unfair treatment 2) Power Inequalities 3) Characters' Problems

Naming some of the problems, unfair treatment, or power struggles that have occurred in the books you have read about gives you an insight into what the book is trying to teach you. What social issues are hidden behind these events?

Enjoy the  text from today's session again: The Stolen Party

Grammar Practice Those students who did not have screen shots to prove they finished last Thursday's practice H/W must STILL do this work. I will expect to see it tomorrow in addition to last night's grammar H/W. Constant practice of these sentences techniques are the only way they will become natural and automatic. The link to this practice is here: Sentence Practice post

H/W: Reading Classes
Membean: You need to complete a minimum of 50mins of Membean this week (x20 at home x30 in class) by Friday. Make sure you are adding new words to your Student Master Learning Behavior grade goes home this Friday.  For the last two week period, you should have completed 105mins or more.

All Classes
Remember:  Finish yesterday's grammar exercises and take 'screen shots' for proof of completion

Coming Soon: 
Your next reading responses is due February 25th. You may use your book club book  for this response. A few people are still missing the last response. 

Enjoy Devon's Slam. The journey that Devon takes us on is so precise!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Realistic Fiction: Generating Ideas

Grammar Recap
Memorize and ERADICATE these types of mistakes going forward!!!

1) The man entered with a gun, bank personnel were not amused    Comma Splice

2) The man entered with a gun bank personnel were not amused.  Fused Sentences

3) The man entered with a gun and bank personnel were not amused. Run on sentence       

Show me examples of compound sentences or compound sentence errors and win +1 for doing so.

G/H Class Only
Social Issues: Choose any 3 from the list to investigate...

Food Inc

C/D and E/F - Be ready for your bookclubs tomorrow.

H/W - All classes
Writing: Finish your second social scene or blurb using today's generating strategy. (Due: Wed)

Grammar: - Finish by Wednesday. Take small screen shots to prove that you did the work.

Watch this video. You will score more points on your SATs if you do!

Ideas to generate stories Enjoy Thani's Slam...

 Look at these examples of strong extended metaphors for people who are thinking of resubmitting in order to improve their grades.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Weekly Reflections

Book Club Reflections:
Key questions to be bringing to your next discussions

  • What do we think the social issues are in the story so far?
  • How are the characters dealing with these issues?
  • What are  the social norms - status quo - of this setting/time/place?
  • What do we need to pay attention to?
  • Is anything being foreshadowed?
Keep your 'thinking about reading' file up to date; therefore, you will not need to do much additional thinking when it is time to write your next reading response.

Next Week
RF Short scene writing. (Due: Mon)
Grammar: Online practice from Sentence Clauses Unit: (Due: Mon)
Next Book club discussion (Due: Tue)
Are there any lines in your story that sound like, "quotes to live life by?" - Make a note of them!

New Learning
Further practice with compound sentences and compound sentences using conjunctive adverbs (+1 if you can see where I used a a conj. adv compound sentence in this post)

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