
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Precept: Don't alway try to beat the red light

There is no H/W sheet this week due to it being the last few days. Important dates and times for you to know.

Social Studies presentations
We will write our conclusions for the literary essays

Research on the 'the Right to Bear Arms' for the debate
Literary Essays due Tuesday

End of Year Math tests (test is finished on Wed)
Lit. Essays due
Work on your Learning Reflection (Due Date: Next Monday)

The Right to Bear Arms - debate

Tenses Test

Water Park Field Trip

Next Monday - We will watch learning reflections, tidy away the classroom, and do our final session together! - You will also get to see the final Friday Message (It's an interesting one!)

Next Tuesday - Free Morning

This video gets interesting at around 2 mins


Han said...

Mr.Buxton- I barely get the literacy essay. How are we suppose to interpret the things we learned on the literacy essay as P3's? I mean are we even suppose to do that???? I am confused??? hmmm

Han said...

Mr.Buxton- Do you expect us to put our literary essay in the format of the Titanic essay???? Like the thesis lables thesis statement at the top????

Han said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Camille B. said...

Don't ask me Han, I'm as confused as you.

berrysweetπ said...

yes, Han

berrysweetπ said...

yes, Han

Maddy Z said...

Is there a specific title we need to have? For example the title of the story or just "Literacy Essay"?

Nick said...

MR BUXTON- scince i wasn't here today can my essay be due wensday??

Nick said...

oh and what do you mean when you say 'Tences' for wensday

Nick said...

oh and what do you mean when you say 'Tences' for wensday

Han said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Han said...

Maddy- No, I don't think so.... not that I know of... You should just have your name, date, and focus thing at the top.

Anisha- thanks! :)

Nick- I am sure it can... because Mr.Buxton gave us steps to do the conclusion and you weren't here so....

Sabine said...

ok i am SO confused. is it LITERARY or LITERACY??

Anonymous said...

Say it out loud sabine. LiteraRy or literaCy

Anonymous said...

To me literary sounds weird so i put literacy

Maya S. said...

do we actually have to highlight the words from the thesis in the final draft?

Jacqueline said...

I'm really confused as Han is right now as well. Mr. Buxton, please reply :(

Maya S. said...

Nakul- I think it's a literary essay, but most of the time, when I talk to my mom, I call it a lit. essay

Han said...

Jacqueline- Yes, Jacqueline I am confused but now I am not thks to the help of Anisha! It is actually we do have to put the essay in the format of the Titanic Essay....

Sabine said...

anyone know a good vocab word for sad?

Han said...

Sabine- Sad: Melancholy

Sabine said...

how about a great vocab word for happy?

Anonymous said...

Mr.B for my letter for my mom, should I print it or will you copy it off my docs into an email?

Camille B. said...

happy: ecstatic
Feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement.

Camille B. said...

Nakul Mr. Buxton said we didn't need to do it.

berrysweetπ said...

Sabine- sad=depressed


on cloud nine

berrysweetπ said...

May I have a copy of everyone's literary essay, please? I am still working on that tikatok.

Han said...

Anisha- Should we e-mail it to you????

berrysweetπ said...

I also need all other writing pieces that you can find. for poems, just submit your two fav. or 3, max.

Anonymous said...

I do Camille. You Harrisen and Aditya don't

berrysweetπ said...

Nakul- I can't access the google docs

kbuxton said...

You have had the teaching. I cannot spoon feed you through every step. This is where you need to start thinking on your own!

Have faith in your own ability and write what you think you need to...

Yes N ick ... You have an extra day...

Han said...

Mr.Buxton- Wise words of wisdom....

George said...

Can I bring cupcakes in on Wednesday for my 11th birthday? If not, would any other day be fine? Thanks!

berrysweetπ said...

One of my power 2 paragraphs is 1 whole page long.

berrysweetπ said...

I think you can, George. I mean, we do need some sugar to keep us going to finish the last 3 academic days of school.

Han said...

Anisha- I don't think that's good...

berrysweetπ said...

“The cages traps me inside, the key trembling in my hands,” epitomizes that the action of ‘unlocking’ a person leads to prosperity or freedom. Lisa Todochine follows the advice to just be yourself in the story Turquoise Horse. The author of Turquoise Horse, Gerald Hausman, palpably communicates the wisdom to just be yourself in various parts of the story. The main message is expressed in the absentminded writing of the poem, the symbolic playing of the banjo, and telling of the “mistake.”
While absentmindedly sketching, Lisa has no way to control her pencil; therefore, she acted in her own character. The day following the musician’s first visit, the musician tells Lisa that her poem was beautiful even though Lisa underestimates her ability. Because Lisa couldn’t prevent herself from drawing and writing about the horse, Lisa created a beautiful sketch and poem about the turquoise horse. The lyrics may not have worked as a song, but Lisa succeeded in writing a ravishing poem by just being herself. The prosperity of the poem presented Lisa with a reason for acting proud of herself. As Lisa now feels proud, she is inspired to grow her tree to success. Because of her determination, she will probably succeed in life, all because Lisa acted in her character in one instance.
The mysterious object hidden inside the banjo could represent being yourself. “If only she were sure... the banjo rang for the last time.(33)” The mystery item could be the real Lisa. The “tight white head” represents the outer Lisa, hardly letting any essence of the true Lisa come out and live freely. The banjo almost determined the course of the life of someone who hid themselves. Throughout the music, or literal life, the real person hardly ever reaches the ears of the listener. When the banjo stops ringing, the real person still hasn’t come out. All the soul has done is create a peculiar noise for some people and was completely ignored by others. If Lisa doesn’t take action to make herself ‘heard’ loudly and clearly, she would die along with the music as just another annoying, mysterious thing.
Telling her dad about the poem and drawing proved Lisa as smart. By speaking to her dad about what trouble Lisa’s mind, Lisa better understood her situation; therefore, Lisa was able to realize that when she wrote the poem and drew the picture, it wasn’t stealing but simply sharing. At first, Lisa blamed herself for something she didn’t fully understand. “I had no right to tell my dream in words and put them on paper... I am a thief.(36)” Lisa accuses herself of stealing, but doesn't fully understand the meaning of ‘steal’. Lisa and her predicament remind me of Charles Vega from My Sister the Vampire. Mr.Bega separated his two daughters because he thought Olivia, a human, wouldn’t be safe in the vampire community. He thinks this because he thought his wife died from the vampire blood that came from him, and he doesn’t want the same thing to happen to Olivia. However, Mr.Vega told no one about his suspicions of how Susannah died and therefore spent the next 14 years of his life in grief and 13 years keeping his daughters apart. Lisa voiced her thought to her dad and was then able to realize that even though the horse was someone else’s, the dream belonged to Lisa and in that way, it wouldn’t be stealing if Lisa

berrysweetπ said...

bestowed the gift of the turquoise horse on the rest of the world. Before Lisa could enter a phase of misery like Mr.Vega, she retold the events to her father, who was then able to convince her that Lisa’s actions were perfectly acceptable and in no way violated any laws. Telling her father about Lisa’s worries must have been a hard decision. If I were in that scenario, I would be in an exigency. To tell my dad, I would have to admit my crime and speak what’s on my mind. I can imagine the blurry vision caused by my skittishness. The upholstery appear in shades of black, reflecting my dark, dark deed in them like mirrors of my soul. Swallowing the dread, I scrape up every bit of courage I can muster, down to the last bit of it. As the story spills out of me, most of the heavy weight within me finally lifts up. As my father persuades me that I was never doing anythingwrong, the rest of the weight lifts up, leaving me free and exultant. Even though Lisa cried as she spoke, the fact that Lisa managed to communicate her feelings in the first place was just acted out of her own will and therefore commendable.
To reiterate, Turquoise Horse is about Lisa discovering a unique horse and, without thought, telling the world about it, blaming herself, and then learning that everything was better than fine. Reading between the lines, the true meaning of the story is to trust yourself and live. No matter what, success will always follow.The lines of Lisa’s poem turned out to be fruitful, and the learning experience taught Lisa an extremely valuable life lesson. When Lisa hears the item inside the banjo, ___________________________. Additionally, __________________ taught _________________________. Gerald Hausman palpably teaches readers to not let the real you hide forever in a multitude of different sections. “The lock clicks open after one try. The world is in a different light. I am finally free.”

what do you think of my essay so far?

Hamadude said...

is this good (please comment)
Name: Carter Gilbert
Date: May 27th 2012
Focus: Literacy Essay

Thesis Statement
Marble Champ by Gary Soto is palpably about trying your best to transform your flaws into strengths, and acting kind towards your opponents.

Opening Paragraph
“I wish I could do something, anything, even marbles.-Gary Soto's’ Marble Champ” Lupe, the main character, is bad at sports but good at schoolwork. One day she tries playing marbles because she wants to be good at a sport. She practices for two whole weeks until the marble tournament comes up. During the game, instead of ignoring the person she had beaten she talks to them and in the end she has a group of her previous opponents cheering for her. “That’s it. Maybe I could be good at playing marbles.-Marble Champ”

Marble Champ is about a girl, Lupe, who is really good at math, RLA, social studies, science, and everything else that has to do with school, but she is terrible at sports. “I’ll never be good at sports ... I wish I could win something, anything, even marbles...” immediately after that she starts practicing for the marble tournament in two weeks. During the championship, every time Lupe plays against someone, and wins, instead of ignoring them she brings them with her and she makes a small group of new friends that cheer for her. In the end she wins the tournament.

Lupe is clearly trying her best to transform her flaw of playing marbles into one of her strengths.
Lupe lays around hopelessly thinking that she’ll never be good at sports until marbles cross her mind. Immediately after that she starts practicing for two weeks until the marble championship comes along. That shows that she is trying her best to turn her flaws, playing sports, into a strength because she practices so much that she even chooses practicing marbles over schoolwork. In my perspective Lupe does something similar to Katniss in the Hunger Games. Katniss and Lupe both think they can’t do something, Katniss thinks that she can’t win the Hunger games, Lupe thinks she can’t do sports. In the end they both turn out to accomplish what they thought they couldn’t do.

The main character is inviting her opponents loser instead of pushing them away; becoing friends with them.In the story, Lupe won the first game, but instead of immediately moving on she befriended her opponent. Gradually throughout the story she befriends her opponents and as she plays new games, they cheer on, thus giving her more support. She doesn’t befriend them because she wants support and encouragement she does it to make them feel good because they lost, treating other people the way she would want to be treated. I think Katniss is also like Lupe in this way as well. In the Hunger Games whenever Katniss kills someone she can’t let them go in her mind, in Marble Champ whenever Lupe beats someone she brings them with her and becomes closer with them.

In conclusion, the story Marble Champ revolves around a girl, Lupe, who yearns to be good at sports, in the end she wins the game. When the reader looks closer the true message will appear, try your best to transform your flaws into strengths and treat your opponents kindly.

George said...

MR BUXTON, since my family has already packed up our printer, and it's to late to ask anybody to print it out for me, can I print my literacy essay out at school? Thanks!

berrysweetπ said...

I'd print it, but I doubt you want a crumpled piece of paper for your last writing assignment. If you are okay with a slightly crumpled piece of paper (slightly, hardly) I could print it. My printer may just have enough ink.

berrysweetπ said...

carter- put who the quote is by after the quotation marks.

Harrisen(M) said...

Is the end of year math test hard???

Anonymous said...

Mr. Buxton!! Do I print out my letter or not?

Anonymous said...

It's fine Harrisen. If you don't panic and take it easy you'll be fine. That's how I handle tests

berrysweetπ said...

shouldn't be... if you've been paying attention. We found ours easy, and we didn't even know that that day was the assessment. We entered math an BAM! End of Year Assessment was on the board.

berrysweetπ said...

FINISHED ESSAY! FINALLY! Now just need to revise... sigh.... :(.

George said...

Can you envision the the world, not just the text.

berrysweetπ said...

who are you talking to?

Anonymous said...

Yes George

Anonymous said...

That would be complicated though

berrysweetπ said...

In my personal connection, I stretch the truth a bit.

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