
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Connecting the Anecdotes

Use this trick to connect from one anecdote to another:

This second example mixes the order a little, but the approach is the same...

In hindsight, I realize that I had been profoundly jealous of Mina that day. Unapologetically, I was envious of all of the perfect things about my sister, and I was jealous of her exceedingly amazing talent and genuine kindness  I just thought that if she was going to be the perfect kind and forgiving one, I ought to be the tough one who doesn’t really care. Arguing never gets you anywhere, but neither does sitting around and doing nothing.  In retrospect, I now understand that jealousy is an angry thing.  Jealousy made me angry, bitter, and selfish.  Whereas Mina was kind, selfless, and basically perfect.  Just a few months after the football incident, I truly experienced one of my  most jealous and selfish days. My father and I had decided to watch our favorite TV shows, Battlestar Galactica, without Mina.

Editing for Figurative and Sensory Language: Try these approaches:

Writing Class
FINAL draft for memoir is due MONDAY. You need a digital copy with at least one (max. x2) images inserted. In class, we will add a videoed QR code and change the file to a .pdf. You will need you headphones for Monday's class.

Can you answer...How should the final piece be presented? .....

Reading Class
How are you studying for Tuesday's Word Study assessment? Look at Jen's visual association vocabulary image - Or are you just using flashcards?

Do not forget to look at previous blog posts to know what is coming next week.


Anonymous said...

I really like Jen's picture for word study!

Anonymous said...

That is a great way to study!

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