
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Coming Next Week

We have a busy week in store. Make sure you are organized:

Monday: Finish your 2nd Book club entry
Membean: You will need to complete 50mins of Membean this week

Tuesday: Sentence Clauses Test (Use the links to practice)
Sentence Clauses Unit Review: Ask the Teacher
Which Where That Who (Ignore any questions that contain these words - we will learn how to write 'relative clauses' after SB - These are NOT on the test.)
Editing on RF stories
Read this story for tomorrow's class. Any notes you take can be used in the lesson.
Written text - Read out loud text (15mins)

Wednesday: In class RR. You will be given a piece of text to read on Tuesday: The Marble Champ 
Written text - Read out loud text (15mins)
30mins to write a response on it based on any of the skills we have done in our unit.

Thursday: RF  Stories due. You will turn your story in on the google doc you are working on.  During class, you will also have to make a slideshow that take screens shots from your writing piece that show the craft moves you have made through your story.

Friday: Membean Test (50 questions)
Library Visit
Writing Celebration.

Students may resubmit their Grammar Memory Hooks at any time during next week.

There will be no H/W officially set. (apart from reading the short story Tue. and Membean)  You should use your evenings to prioritize your work. As a reminder, going forward, if you want to retake a summative test or turn in your RF later than the due date,  you will have to do MORE work before being allowed to resubmit. (See the REDO file on the right of  the blog.) Easier and better (double comparative) to get it turned in and finished when due!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Dialogue Tips

Today, we discussed how we can improve our dialogue.

Training Memory
This is a TED talk on Memory. It is very interesting and perfectly gets across the point we have been talking about. There are a couple of inappropriate references and visualization scenes. I am sharing as I am confident you can see the purpose of the talk and be clear about what it is trying to get across.  The Power of Memory

This weekend I will put on a post of what to expect next week.

Have a great w/end!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Groups Where Characters Belong

Use the powerful lens of 'groups characters belong to in order to really show empathy or frustration with your characters. Add this technique to your list of ways to discuss books.

H/W All Classes:
Tomorrow: Your Sentence Clauses Memory Hook is due. Most of you should be able to drop a screen shot copy/pasted onto a slide below with your memory hook. Just make sure your slide has your name(s) on it. You don't have to do any additional writing, just the slide. If you have made a video, insert the video too. - If for any reason, your idea is difficult to capture in an image, just write a slide with your team names on it and state what it is you have done. Remember - This is a DEEP THINKING exercise. It is supposed to be a challenging! - Only when you are truly pushed will you produce your best... "The learning IS the struggle"

Clauses: Memory Hooks
C/D Class
E/F Class 
G/H Class

All Classes
Check yesterday's post to see recommended online grammar practice and 'Ask the Teacher' file.

Neat Trick for RF Writing - Let the computer do the work.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Writer's Craft

Today, we reviewed the 'craft moves' we should be using in our writing. I was very impressed when Abhi (G/H class) told me that he was working on putting and 'extended metaphor' into one scene in his piece. - Now that's a student who attempts to apply what he has been learning!!!

Look at these these excellent examples from your classmates

H/W All Classes

  • You should have a minimum of 4 pages in your RF story by Friday's class. Many of you will have written more. 

Grammar Memory Tools - Due Friday.

From Yesterday's Post
All Classes Grammar Test:
Your end of unit grammar test is NEXT TUESDAY.
This link can be used for you to ask any questions about the unit that you still don't understand.
Sentence Clauses Unit Review: Ask the Teacher

Optional: Test Grammar Practice (My advice is that you do about 5minutes each night on one each of these exercises.) If there are questions or answers that you do not understand, use the file above to ask your questions.

Sentence Fluency: Test Practice Exercises -
Check out some games brilliantly made by Yasmin (C/D) (ignore question 13 and 16)

Some of the questions on this exercise, we have not covered yet...but we will. Try it for fun!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Reminder: Homebase - Bring in drinks and snacks for the Hevey Hickman Run tomorrow

C/D & E/F Classes
Membean: Total 50mins by class time Fri. (30 minutes in class)

Book Club Reading Responses
1st Entry Should be in the files by Thursday.
Final entry in files by Next Wed
(Remember the focus on these discussions should be on the impact of secondary characters)

All Classes Grammar Test:
Your end of unit grammar test is NEXT TUESDAY.
This link can be used for you to ask any questions about the unit that you still don't understand.
Sentence Clauses Unit Review: Ask the Teacher

Optional: Test Grammar Practice (My advice is that you do about 5minutes each night on one each of these exercises.) If there are questions or answers that you do not understand, use the file above to ask your questions.

Sentence Fluency: Test Practice Exercises - (ignore question 13 and 16)

Some of the questions on this exercise, we have not covered yet...but we will. Try it for fun!

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