
Sunday, April 13, 2014

M.A.P. Test Practice: DAY 1

This week, you will be doing some MAP practice tests to better prepare for M.A.P. Standardized Tests.

Step 1: Vocabulary - Choose 20 terms from the M.A.P. 'question' vocabulary list that you are unfamiliar with and create a quizlet file that explains this vocabulary. 

Step 2: Make a copy of this file: MAP Testing: Tips and Tricks

All Classes are Expected to Complete the MAP practice tests this week.
Day 1 H/W Practice (Choose the level that you are the most comfortable with). You must complete 2 practice tests each day. (One from each section)

Language Tests
Proficient Level Proficient Test 1
Advanced Level Advanced Test 1

Reading Tests
Proficient Level: Proficient Test 1
Advanced Level: Advanced Test 1

EVIDENCE of H/W: You must do a screen shot of your completed test scores each day and have them on your desktop for inspection as evidence of completion 

Vocabulary H/W
There is NO Membean H/W this week. You must spend 5-10mins each evening praticing your 20 MAP testing words.  At the bottom of your MAP Tips and Tricks file, you must state HOW you practiced these words each night Mon-Thur (e.g. - Used quizlet). Use screen shots as evidence

Test Question Database: Use this google doc. to copy/paste or screenshot any questions that you encounter that you do not understand. You may not understand what the question is asking or why your answer is wrong. Putting your name next to the question is optional. Check back to this file often to learn

CHange Harman Students to SAS Students and OATs to M.A.P.s

Friday, April 11, 2014

The Power of Structure

"People prioritize what they value" - What did you learn about structure today that helps you not just in non-fiction reading and writing but also life!  +1 for comments!!!

Step 3 Tigertales Submission - I hope many more of you will take the time to submit a piece!

Drop your work here: Tigertales Submission.   - I will go over this next week and check through your work before final submission to Mrs. Clark.

Poetry Portfolio Files
E/F Class  Poetry Portfolio

ADVANCED WARNING: Deadline to resubmit assignments: May 16th 2014. 
This is just so people realize that they cannot wait until the last minute and resubmit pieces of work at the end of the school year in an attempt to raise  the grade!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Generating Research Topics

Make sure you have 'dropped' your 'Feature Article Unit'  into dashboard, so I can inspect your H/W from earlier in the week. 

All Classes H/W
1) Grammar Recap: Your Gossip Girl Scripts are due: Next Mon
2) Homework Task: Because I love to do grammar (Take a screen shot of the finished exercise and put it in your grammar H/W section for ML# 2 as evidence) The video is VERY important. It shows you when you can just infer the relative prounoun. This H/W takes 5mins to complete!

Lesson Recap: Going for Content to Curiosity

Use these links for online topic searches
1) Look at the headlines at (Make sure you are on the U.S. site)
2) New Articles and Research Topics. Use this class code when asked: KZMAC

3) This site also has good ideas for topics

By the end of today's session, you should have a minimum of 5 'areas of curiosity' - that you might take deeper into the research process.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Truth Survey

Our class has been selected to pilot a new Student Feedback program that gets input from students on how they feel about the teaching and learning they are exposed to.

Access the survey here
Middle School: 

Timmy HB - Share your Passion Day!!!

H/W. No new H/W tonight. Make sure you use  the rest of the week to stay up to date with H/W set earlier in the week.

Reading Classes
Reminders: Membean Test Friday.
Next Reading Response: Due Next TUE (this is the last extension!) - Make sure you are establishing a 'STRONG' claim!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Relative Clauses: Intro

Add 'seeing Les Miserable LIVE'  to your bucket list- "It's not about how many breaths you take, but about how many moments that take your breath away"  - One Day More

Feature Article: What topic are you an expert on?

Today, we learned the last type of clause: relative clauses. Relative clauses add details to sentences which often makes writing more precise. (Can you spot the relative clause in the last sentence?)

Grammar:  H/W All Classes
Write 5 sentences that contain relative clauses. Write sentences related to the topic you wrote about today in the Feature Article unit. (The sentences should be written in your Unit 8 grammar file in the H/W box (Due: Thur)

Finish class work
Finish your "Writing as an Expert" topic from class today. You can 'kill two birds with one stone' by simply highlighting 5 relatives clauses in this piece. Due: Thur

Writing H/W
Homework Task: As you are watching T.V./ browsing the web over the next couple of days, choose 5 concepts that you wonder about or would like to delve deeper into. Make a list of those concepts topic in your Feature Article H/W box : Due Thur

Tiger Tales: Step 2

It is VERY IMPORTANT you follow these guidelines for publishing your TigerTale article. This is a different slideshow then yesterday. Make sure you follow the submission instructions clearly or your piece will not be accepted for publication.

Reading Classes - Reminder: Your 3rd Reading Response is due this FRIDAY!

Late Start Tomorrow!
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