Step 1: Vocabulary - Choose 20 terms from the M.A.P. 'question' vocabulary list that you are unfamiliar with and create a quizlet file that explains this vocabulary.
All Classes are Expected to Complete the MAP practice tests this week.
Day 1 H/W Practice (Choose the level that you are the most comfortable with). You must complete 2 practice tests each day. (One from each section)
Language Tests
Proficient Level Proficient Test 1
Advanced Level Advanced Test 1
Reading Tests
Proficient Level: Proficient Test 1
Advanced Level: Advanced Test 1
EVIDENCE of H/W: You must do a screen shot of your completed test scores each day and have them on your desktop for inspection as evidence of completion
Vocabulary H/W
There is NO Membean H/W this week. You must spend 5-10mins each evening praticing your 20 MAP testing words. At the bottom of your MAP Tips and Tricks file, you must state HOW you practiced these words each night Mon-Thur (e.g. - Used quizlet). Use screen shots as evidence
Test Question Database: Use this google doc. to copy/paste or screenshot any questions that you encounter that you do not understand. You may not understand what the question is asking or why your answer is wrong. Putting your name next to the question is optional. Check back to this file often to learn
CHange Harman Students to SAS Students and OATs to M.A.P.s