
Friday, October 2, 2009

Online Discussion Forum - Reflection Question 1

Every so often, i will pose a question on the blog that encourages all of you to both reflect on your learning  and also certain events that are going on in the classroom. You are invited to add comments as normal.  In addition, you are also encouraged to respond directly to the comments other students add to the blog.

Warning: When adding comments or responding to comments, use CIVILITY at all times!  Never write anything on the blog or about a student that you would not say directly to an adult's face. Likewise, when responding to people's comments, focus on the positive by  'validating others'.

Discussion Question 1
What important lessons have you learned from the most recent 'Sentence Fluency' grammar assignment?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Evaluating Newspaper Article - Mentor Texts

Enjoy these 'unedited' examples of  your most recent  assignment on evaluting a newspaper article. Will  your evaluation of  President Obama's speech contain clear examples of your opinion? Notice this time i have highlighted just opinion statements.

Filled with tater tots, cheese curls, and trail mix, Mr. Smith’s tractor slowly moves to the pig pen. Pigs Switch to Trail Mix is an unusual, but interesting article from the Wall Street Journal. Surprisingly, farmers are switching to fatty foods for their pigs! Oddly enough farmers, like Mr. Smith are now feeding there pigs tater tots. Cheese Curls are another strange food you can find on a farm. People food is now on a weird feed for animals like trail mix. Sadly, farmers are really hard time feeding their animals. Unfortunately, the whole reason pigs are switching to fatty foods is because of how high priced corn is these days. To feed the animals only fatty foods is a disaster because it depresses them. Farmers have figured out that pigs are really picky eaters, so they have to them sugary foods. Some of the vocabulary that was in my article was very difficult to understand. Mitigate, to make something less harsh, was one of the words I thought was difficult. Also, byproducts, something produced as a secondary result by manufacturers, was another word I did not know. Ethanol, a colorless liquid with a pleasant smell, also was new to me. The engaging and sad article Pig Switch Trail Mix is most unusual article that I have ever read. As Mr. Smith puts the tater tots, trail mix, and cheese curls into the squirming pigs troth, he is glad the pigs like their food.    by Paige

Finally, Seay feels a tug on his line, and as he reels in he sees that hard, scaly snout and treacherous pointed teeth. The Charlotte Observer’s story on four fishermen catching an alligator, written by Andrew Dys, is both breathtaking and amazing. The characters in this story, Seay, Fields, Honeycutt, and Martin, are astonishing. These people have numerous character traits. One of the character traits that these people possess is adventurousness because most people would never go hunting for alligators. Also, they are very persistent, because they never gave up on conquering that alligator. I am very impressed by them. I believe the action in this article could have been better, but they did use some very descriptive details in quite a few places. For example, they could have used more descriptive writing on how they got the alligator into the boat. Although, they did use some decent descriptive words and quotes when they narrated how the fishermen never gave up. One of the quotes was “No way we were going to give up once we got him hooked.” I believe that the information in this article is well chosen and informative. A very valid piece of information is that alligators are indigenous to South Carolina and have been around this state much longer than humans. Another important piece of information is that in 2009 more than 3700 people applied for the 1000 hunting tags. To conclude, this story needs a bit more descriptive writing but gives some impressive information. At last Martin got a noose around the gators jaws and Honeycutt ended the fight with a shot to the head.   by Handy

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Evaluating a Speech - President Obama speaks to School Children

What criteria (categories) would 'you' choose to evaluate this speech.  Some possible choices might be:

  • Message
  • Stance (agree with/disagree with)
  • Delivery of Speech
  • Memorable moments
  • Surprising moments
  • Relevance to audience
  • Quotes used
  • Humor
  • Setting
  • Surprising Facts
  • Language and vocabulary
  • etc etc...

Make sure that whichever criteria (Power 2s) you choose to evaluate this speech, you can find at least three pieces of evidence (Power3s) to support the opinion you made

Monday, September 28, 2009

Compound and complex Sentences Practice

Explanation of  Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences
Ignore use of colon (:) and dash (-) explanations


Complex and Compound Practice

Optional Writing Activity to Practice

Coming Next Week

Sentence Fluency Test
Can you write advanced simple, compound, and complex sentences?
Do you know the characteristics of compound and complex sentences?
Can you punctuate compound and complex sentences effectively?
Do the practice exercises on this blog to help you prepare for the test

Prepositions and Prepostional Phrases
What is a preposition?
Why do we use prepositional phrases?

Social Studies Textbook - Lesson 4
Land and Regions

Evaluating Text - Speeches
What criteria would you use to evaluate President Obama's speech to school children?

Friday, September 25, 2009

Evaluating - Mentor Text Example

Make sure the evaluation of your newspaper article resembles the paragraph below. Your opinion of what you read should be very evident. Follow effective paragrpah struture. Have you used sentence fluency?
Two adventurous fifth grade school girls search out more than they bargained for while attending a class outing at the Natural History Museum. A Mummy Mystery is an exciting story that leaves readers on the edge of their seats. The main characters, Molly and Lena, are very mischievous throughout the story. Even though they should be with their class, they wander off on their own almost immediately on their arrival at the museum. Lena is probably the most disobedient of the two. Molly seems be the type of person who worries about what other people think, “Mr. Gardiner will be furious with us!” she exclaimed at one stage in the story. Alternatively, Lena’s fascination with ancient Egypt and complete disregard for her class was demonstrated when she almost ran toward the larger banner over the entrance to the Great Hall. The author, Andrew Clements, tries to use humor to break down some of the tension that builds in the story. It was amusing when Officer Johnson thought he was on T.V. when he first saw the Mummy’s hand move or when Molly whispered to Lena about the Mummy, “…it looks more like a squirrel that’s been hit by a car.” The author does not seem to pay meticulous attention to all of the fine details, leaving some of the events of the story a little confusing. How would a mouse be able to burrow under the Mummy’s wrappings without causing damage? Moreover, the mouse would have died of suffocation if it had been stuck in the glass case all that time. Any “…ancient pieces of corn or wheat”, would surely be rotten after thousands of years and could not have provided food for the mouse. Despite some over exaggerated facts, the daring exploits of Molly and Lena and a few light hearted jokes make the tale, A Mummy Mystery both memorable and enjoyable. On your next field trip, I’d watch the exhibits really closely if I were you. Just in case.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Social Studies Test- Essay Question

Today's social Studies test required you to use your Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) to apply what you learned in Lessons 1&2 to a specific question. Read an 'adapted' copy of Will Gardner's essay below for a fine example of how to do this.

Venu has returned now to his native planet of Venutian. He was very impressed by what he learned on his Social Studies course. Based specifically on your studies on Lesson 1+2, advise Venu on policies he could implement in his own planet.
(notice key words in question that you should have highligted)

As Venu steps out of his spacecraft, his family cheers,"Venu's home". Venu begins to speak to his nation based on what he learned on his travels. Venu is tired of his country being a communist nation, so he plans to change his governement in some ways. Becoming a Republic with unique rights and responsibilities for its citizens, will be a goal for Venu's new governemnt. In a Republic, citizens elect representatives to make decisions on the citizen's behalf. Unfortunately, theese representatives sometimes vote in their own interests and not the ctizens. Venu will ensure that the citizen's representatives will vote fairly. Even though Venu does not want Venutian to be a 'direct demoncracy', he should inform his leaders about this alternative form of government. In a direct demoncrcy, everybody takes part in every decision. Direct demoncracy works well for small groups like clubs and neighborhoods. It would be took much hassle in Venutian to bring everybody together to vote on every decision. Venu should take the time to make sure his new system of government contains certain rights and responsibilities for its citizens. Some rights he learned about inthe U.S. include freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freddom to live and work where a citizen pleases. Venutian citizens will have certain responsibilites like voting, going to school, and obeying martain laws. All of these would be written in the Venutian constitution, or a plan of government. By implementing all these new policies, Venu will have success in changing his government from communism to a successful Republic. Venu finishes his speech and sits down drenched in sweat. The chief of Venutian rises and says to the natio,"It's time Venutian implements a real change to its government."

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Hope you all enjoyed the overview and video on 'Capitalism' today. Watch it again below if you are interested.

What is your opinion on government intervention into the Free Market?

Great contributions to our class discussions today Mary Grace, Hayden, and Jack. Well done!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Coming Next Week

  • Complex Sentences (What's the difference between a dependent and independent clause?)
  • Evaluating Newspaper Articles and Speeches (What criteria will you use to evaluate?)
  • Descritpive Writing
  • SSS Sentence Techniques
  • Social Studies Lesson 3 - System of Free Enterprise in the U.S.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Changes to H/W Tasks

These H/W tasks are POSTPONED until next week
Bringing Newspaer Article
Researching 8-10 facts on an American Entrepenuer/Businessman

Tonight - Finish your Essay question.
Sentence Fluency
Hook,Topic, Power 2 and 3
Approx120-140 words

See exampe of model essays below

Explain why Chuz Zia and his family plan to immigrant to the U.S.

The Chuz Zia family have packed their worldly belongings in suitcases and will begin an epic adventure to the other side of the world. Over the last century, millions of families have immigrated to the U.S. in search of a better life. Families like the Zias are attratced to the U.S. for the variety of freedoms this country offers. Once Chuz Zia arrives inthe U.S., he will have the freedom to choose where to work and where to live. He can begin his own business, or he can work for a company like Microsoft or Coca Cola if he has the qualifications. His children have the right to a free education to gain the qualifications they would need to find suitable work in thier future. Additionally, Chuz Zia can also vote in local and government elections and help select the leaders of the nation once he obtains citizenship. The freedom to practice whichever religion a person chooses is an important right all immigrations receive in the U.S. As a new citizen to this country, Chuz Zia families will also have certain responsibilities. His children must go to school or is parents could face fines. Moreover, all immigrants and citizens alike must obey the law or face being arrested. Speeding tickets and local laws are applied to all people fairly. Recieving a fair trial is another right of all citizens should he need arise. Being involves in their new society is also expected of all U.S. citizens in terms of voting in elections or contributing in a postive way to make society better. To reiterate,  rights  like working for a specific company or responsiblities like following local and state laws, atttract new immigrants like Chuz Zia to the U.S. every year. Whether the Chuiza family are greeted by the Statue of Liberty on the east coast or the Golden Gate Bridge on the west coast, they will quickly come to appreciate what a great nation they have enetered.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sentence Fluency: Compound Sentences

Do you remember the key characteristics of Compound Sentences?

Four Key Rules to make an effective COMPOUND SENTENCE
1) The two halves could stand alone as individual sentences.
e.g. Peter likes tennis, but Mark likes pizza.
2) Two halves are joined by a comma and conjunction
e.g. Claire and Mary enjoy watching television, but their children prefer the internet.
3) Information in two halves of sentences must be linked in some way
e.g. Bolognaise is made of tomatoes and pasta, and it contains shredded meat.
4) A semi colon can replace the comma and conjunction
e.g. Peter likes tennis; Mark likes pizza.

Make sure from now on your writing contains a mixture of both simple(don't start with banned words!) and compound senteces!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Change to H/W Routine Tue&Wed

Do not do the essay tonight on the H/W sheet. Work on choosing effective categories for the topics on the RC RaCS Evaluating sheet. You only need to write 3 categories per topic. Make sure you prioritize the categories. The essay is postponed until Wednesday night. It will need to be finished for this Friday.

e.g. Evaluting the Dining Room
Categories - 1) Choice of Food 2) Service 3) Facilities

Social Studies Test is postponed until next Tue. You still need to make sure you can answer the questions on the back of the H/W sheet by Thursday.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sentence Fluency

This week we will begin our first grammar unit titled, 'Sentence Fluency'.

What does it mean to have a piece of writing that shows fluency?

Win +points for adding your comments

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

'Showing' not Telling Poetry

Enjoy these examples of Where I'm From...poetry written by your classmates. Notice the use of vivd descriptive 'showing' language.

I am made of the colors red and gold
Huge celebrations with dragons so bold
I’m from secret escapes from an island
and I’m a swordplayer in demand
I’m a lover of water, sunlight, and sand.
I’m from saddling up and falling right off
and little beany critters going aloft
A melody of any is a joy to me
It’s like I have gills some may say
and I like dreaming even during the day
I’m always showing my teeth,
and with my stomach, I’m likely to be green
I was given the gift of song
and I hark from the land of the gong
I’m ham-handed as can be
But I am exuberant, so I hope that you will like me.

by Katherine Lim

I am from sun blocking banks, law firms, and construction sites
From juicy, crunchy, delicious fried chicken and birthday foie gras

I am from 5 o’clock rush hour on Providence road
From the close calls of Bobcats games and the roar of the crowd as the Panthers play

I am from fireworks and cookouts on the Forth of July and that truly great Oreo pie
From the smell of gooey cookies right out of the oven

I am from the screams and laughs at Carrowinds and the costumes of characters as they greet the fans
From the smell of fried Twinkies and funnel cakes and the crowded but still very fun speed street
I am who I am and that can’t ever be changed

Makaela Sides

When you write descriptively...will you attempt to 'show' your readers like these examples below?

The pizza was delicious.

Steam rising up off the melted cheese made my mouth water. The first bite, my teeth sinking into the cheese through the tomato sauce and into the moist crust, made me chew and swallow rapidly. Even the cheese and tomato sauce, sticking to my fingertips, begged to be licked.

He is angry.

Sitting at his desk, his jaw tightened. His eyes flashed heat waves at me. The words erupted from his mouth, "I want to talk to you after class." The final hiss in his voice warned me about his feelings.

The morning was beautiful.

Behind the mountains, the sun peaked brightly, ready to start a new day. The blue sky remained silent yet showed signs of sadness. The wind whispered through the trees as the cheerful sun rose. The birds sang gently by my window as if they wanted to wake me up.

The coffee was enjoyable.

She cradled the mug in both hands and leaned her head over it in the rising steam. Pursing her lips, she blew softly over the clouded surface and let her eyelids drop. Her shoulders rose slightly as she breathed in, and she hummed with her head low. I lifted the tiny porcelain pitcher and poured a brief rotating arch of white into the black depths of my own cup. She opened her eyes, and we looked at each other across the table without speaking.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Descriptive Writing - Charlotte Doyle

Enjoy these descriptive writing pieces by your classmates. Look at Avery's very simple but powerfully descriptive ending that shows the mood of her character. Notice 'showing' phrase like " canvas hammock", "...wood moans", or "droopy sails kick into life" in Griffin's work.

The View
By: Avery Riescher

The sun was starting to rise and the sea was as clear as crystal. A calm sea was still and smooth like glass. Bleach-white sales were high in the sky and puffy like a giant marshmallow. The sun was to trying peak through the fluffy clouds. All of the rest of the sky looked like a marvelous water color painting. The deck’s floor boards were decrepit and squeaked when pressure was put on them. Even though they were wood the polish made them sparkle. The sun was half way in the sky and there was an ominous feeling in the air. Dark clouds started to fill the air as the wind was kicking up. A loud roar filled the sky as a bolt of light struck the sky. In a blink of the eye it started to pour down large droplets of water. The rat lines were swaying furiously in the strong wind. Lightning was lighting up the dense, dark sky. Thunder was roaring louder than I have ever heard in my life. I sprinted back to my tiny, dark cabin. Back in England, when there was a storm at night I curled up in my bed and listened to the pitter-patter of the rain. That is what I decided to do.

A Nation of It’s Own
by Griffin Walsh

Sails are down as the Seahawk glides through the splashing waves of the sea. I wake up to the sound of men running about. As I turn in my canvas hammock, the ship is jolted to one side. Falling down, I remember I am aboard a ship and I try to keep my balance. I pull on my torn sailor’s vest and jog outside onto deck.
Stepping onto the decrepit, sea beaten deck of the Seahawk, the wood moans. Looking up, men scurry about in the sails and riggings like scared monkeys running from a vicious predator. I climb up the thick ropes to the very top lookout point and my stomach lurches. The men below me look like small, tin soldiers. The mast seems as if it is a giant, four hundred year old Redwood growing up through the deck. A thousand whips crack around me as I climb even higher. Although the day has just begun, the sun, a huge flaming giant, soars in the sky burning whoever gets in its way. I set to work pulling the long, snakelike ropes that hold up the white sails. The wind blows and the droopy sails kick into life. Bells sound loudly as Mr. Hollybrass yells for everyone to come on deck on deck. I scamper down from the treacherous riggings. The eminent Captain Jaggery steps briskly out from his cabin. A long, unimportant speech follows. After resuming our stations and heading back to our laborious work, thoughts about Captain Jaggery fill my head.
What was it? Suddenly, I recall why the crew and I had come and what we were to do.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tenses = Practice Exercises

Make sure you tackle all these exercises below

You will need to know Construction and Usage of nine tenses we studied. You should be able to write a sentence in any of the nine tenses we have studied. You should be able to use inference to decide how a sentence should end based on its tense. (Hint Hint! – Helping Verbs can sometimes be called ‘auxiliary verbs’) – Open Book.

Practice Present Perfect and Simple Past

All Tenses - Practice

Practice Present Perfect and Simple Past

Simple Past/Present Perfect/Past Perfect

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Charlotte Doyle Practice - Enjoy

Can you write sentences using multiple vocabulary words?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Inference- I dreamed a dream

Thoughts on today's lesson...Add your comments and enjoy the video link again below.

I believe that Susan Boyle chose to sing the song becasue she can relate to the lyrics." The dream that I dreamed" was being killed by all, but Susan wouldn't give up. People had shown little faith in her all her life, and she wanted to prove them wrong. Susan kept dreaming no matter what. Her performance demonstrates that hse is not what you would think but the complete opposite. When I hear the song, I will always remember that you can do anything if you try.

by Azeem

Today in Humanities, it really touched my heart and taught me a huge lesson. Susan Boyle had the courage to audition not really knowing or caring what people thought about her. At first, people doubted her because of her appearance. When you carefully listen to the lyrics, they are very ure and tell about Susan Boyle's life. " I dreamed a dream in time gone by...". The lesson taught me to be myself no matter what anybody says. To belief in myself and to think about others. Thank you Mr. Buxton.

By Elisa

Friday, April 17, 2009

Essay Question II

Have you written an A+ essay?

W.I.L.F. Proof read for the following
  • Effective hooks
  • A topic sentence that introduces the question
  • Paragraph structure
  • Using different words to start sentences
  • A restate sentence
  • Use of proper nouns and quotes
  • Sentence fluency
Now read just the essay to somebdy at home. Can they guess the question from what you wrote?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

George Washington's Portrait

Review today's lesson on inference and read again about the symbolism and inferred meanings shown in this historic portrait. Any comments?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

MDPD Announcement

Calling Talented Hawks of all ages! If you have a talent to share, please auditon for the talent show at May Day Play Day on the mainstage. Auditions will be April 15th and 16th from 3:15 until 4:15 pm; you only need to attend one day of auditions. If you are interested, please meet Mrs. Sword in the Lower School "hot-box" at 3:10 pm on the day you plan to audition and she will escort everyone to the multi-purpose room/dance studio. After the audition, you may meet your parents in the Media Center carpool line. Soloists, Dancers, Magicians, Jugglers, Gymnasts, and Group Acts are welcome! Please bring your props, music, and all supplies for your act with you that day to school. You may contact Mrs. Sword at for more information.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Ch.8 Essay Question -Model Answers

Read below some powerful omniscient narratives created by your classmates in today's test.

The Townshnd Acts and the Daughters of Liberty
By: Emily Padgett

When the news came in that morning, everybody was upset. Elizabeth Burns gathered her fellow females together, making a group called the Daughters of Liberty. “The Townshend Acts will not be ignored by us ladies. We will quit the useless vanities of life…” was part of her speech to the Daughters. Lillian Mode felt triumphant- this was what, she knew, she was meant to do. Lillian focused on Elizabeth’s words. Millie Johnston was determined to prove herself to Britain and everyone else- she would do anything to be free! Meanwhile, Elizabeth was explaining her plan- to make their own tea and sew their own clothes. Man ladies grew excited about this, but some, like Mary Elizabeth Watson, were wary about this. She spoke up, saying, “This would mean separating from our home country, abandoning the King!” Millie turned around. “Yes. If you want to live a life of slavery, then go back to Britain! You are not welcome here!” Lillian decided this was untrue. This would be hard if no one got along. “All right, then!” Elizabeth quieted the hall. “Let us no longer stand in the dark but put an end to this tax!” thus, the Daughters of Liberty began to boycott British goods and stop the Townshend acts.

The Stamp Act
By James Layton

Stamp, after stamp, after stamp! When will this ever end, the baker wonders. The baker believes, in 1765, that having to acquire the “Royal Stamp” for printed materials like playing cards, letters, cards, books, documents, and much, much more seems unreal, especially when the stamp is taxed! Angry as can be, Peter stalks and roams the gloomy streets with signs and words of protest. Besides, Peter thinks, this is the first tax the colonists obtained, so it shouldn’t be this terrible. Henry, a nearby tax collector, fears the night because mean, angry colonists might rob him, worse kill him. Every dreadful night and frightening day he glances with fear at the life-sized puppets the colonists hung that looked like tax collectors. The collector feels that the tax appears useful for the money Great Britain needed, but he still feels scared. Alternatively, Patrick Henry, the first to speak against the tax, tingles and fills up with bravery and pride. Patrick feels as though he is his own type of person. Roaming the streets, Peter says to himself that this tax needs to be repealed, as his eyes gleam with furiousness. Still collecting tax, the tax collector and all the others quit the job, and the tax was repealed. Never, shall it come back.

By Wilson Salisbury
“Rally Mohawks pick up your axes tell King George we will pay no taxes,” chanted the colonist as crates of tea leapt of the boat, into the Boston Harbor. Above the tea ship, a moonless sky gazed down at the settlers. Colonist, dressed as Mohawk Indians, had a look of pure happiness that shone through there face paint. One man hid a package of tea in his pouch thinking,” It shouldn’t all go to waste.” The colonist were doing this because the settlers thought it was unfair to tax Britain tea and make colonist buy from only the East India Tea company, a British tea manufacture. As the clock chimed twelve the last of the crates splashed into the water. Changing back into their regular clothes, they snuck back to their houses as quite as a mouse. When news of the Boston Tea Party reached King George anger rippled through the parliament. King George, mad as a bull, passed the Intolerable Acts. On that important year history was made.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Prepositional Phrases - Test Practice

For next Thursday (April 2nd) Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases Test tackle these exercises:

Prepositonal phrases
(drag and drop answers for speed)

Prepositions - fun with prepositions

The Boston Massacre- Historical Fiction Narratives

Enjoy these 3rd person omnisicient narratives written by your classmates. Will you be able to recreate this standard of Historical Fiction writing in next week's test?

The Day the Redcoats Fought Back
By Brady Whitmore

Standing on guard of the customs office, Hugh White, a British soldier, glares at a colonist as the man starts to approach. A bicker of words turns to a brawl, but the soldier quickly slams his musket on the man’s head. Throbbing terribly, the colonist, Edward Garrit, slowly struggles to a nearby tavern to share the news of a redcoat fighting back. With most dazed of liquor, they turn outraged and wobbled over to Hugh White, the Redcoat. Fear fills his eyes as he calls for help. Captain Thomas Preston hears the distant cry, and calls on 6 privates to assist him. Heading over to the scene, they quickly get mobbed by the furious, nearly drunken, colonists. The overwhelmed soldiers panic and begin to lift their muskets. The colonists stand wide eyed at the threat of being killed, but that just made them angrier. Soon they were chucking snowballs at the frightened Redcoats. Then they fired, and the anger in the colonist’s eyes rapidly changed to fear. Colonists collapse in gunshot, as patches of red stain the uniforms of the British soldiers. Terrified men and women make an attempt to lift the wounded out of combat as the panicking soldiers keep on firing. Smoke flies in the air, and colonist struggle to breath through the debris. Some saying their last goodbye to their loved one, as others precede to a dead sprint to cover. Lifeless bodies lay on the cold, icy ground as the Redcoats are now literally standing above the colonists. Hundreds of lucky individuals made their way to safety, and only 5 lay on the ground, as the last of the wounded make their way to cover. 5 people lay motionless with the brutal redcoats looming over them as Captain Thomas Preston orders them to follow back to their spots. That day will always be remembered as the day the Redcoats fought back.
Bright Red
Death Bed

By Brendan Downing

Five innocent colonists lay dead as the black powder-smoke clears and the putrid smell of sweat and blood subsides. News of the murderous uprising spread among the colonies like the flu. The day would be remembered as a massacre, nothing less.
Tensions between Britain and the colonies had really fired up by the late 1760’s. The colonists began to realize that after Britain repealed a tax, a new, often worse tax took its place. On the freezing, winter day of March 5, 1770, a major step in the liberation of the colonies from Britain occurred. The outcome may have been better if the weather hadn’t been so unusually harsh. The temperature was below zero, a thick blanket of icy snow covered the ground, and freezing winds tortured anyone outside, regardless of how thick a jacket you wore. A colonist named Henry Gerit strongly opposed British rule, and anger drove him to annoy Hugh White, the customs house guard. After nearly five minutes of cruel taunts, Gerit was winded and the guard hit him with the butt of his gun. A mob of angry citizens three-hundred strong swarmed White with a rage no single man could withstand. Fear told him to run, but bravery told him to stand his ground. Most of the protesters were drinking in the local taverns, raising the danger level even higher. He roared calls for help louder than any man in Boston had heard before. The barracks was placed close enough to the crowd for the soldiers inside to hear, so they were ordered to form a semi-circle in front of the guard. The mob chanted “shoot!” over and over to tease the soldiers, knowing that it was against the law to fire on citizens. One of the colonists whacked a soldier with a stick, and the soldier shot his musket at him. All at once, the thunder of muskets filled the air, along with the cries of wounded colonists. The mob broke up, half in fear of dying, half in need of rest. With the mob gone, the soldiers returned to their posts and Boston went to sleep like any other night.
Enjoy Will's use of prepositional phrases to create his 'Causes' poem
Revolutionary Poem
by Will Borin
Out the mountains
Across the sea
In 1763 the proclamation act was passed

In the fall
Announced to all
That the first act was passed

On every paper
To every piece
As a stamp was found
That covered every crease

As colonists boycotted British goods
In front of the king sales men beg
Till the act is repealed like said

From the led
Five lay dead
Below the sky
For all to cry

Off the ships
To the sea
Onto a fee
For all to see

By the night
There were five to write
To the sight
Of the might
In the British parliament

From 56 delegates
In Philadelphia
Around the table
Were a congress formed a single voice

Thursday, March 26, 2009

"Give me Liberty..."

Watch this video to listen to an example of the Patrick Henry Speech

(there is a 10 sec. comercial before the video plays)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Verb Work

Congrtualtions on your work today. Enjoy Emma's work

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Mrs. Graham's class. - Don't forget your BBC script '3rd person omniscient' write-ups are still due in tomorrow (Wed).

Hope you all enjoyed the snowday

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Readers' Theatre

Congratualtions on your BBC theatre performances today. You all did a superb job. First, Latin next Broadway! Special 'shout out' to Nicole, Emma, Wes, James L, and Harper who really stepped out of their comfort zones and 'owned' their roles.
Have a great weekend.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Change to H/W sheet

Change to H/W requirements for Graham+ Buxton classes

Write about your BBC theatre script from the omnisicent perspective.

High verb ratio
Emphasis of action over linking verbs
Clearly establish ‘point of view’

Level 2 -Writing grade

Min 200 words - DUE FRI

Question: How good is your work? Can you draw it? You should be able to create a detailed 'comic strip' of your writing.





Mr. Johnston

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Point of View - Review

Change to H/W sheet for (Graham class) only. Due Thur)
Rewrite your 'family' passage in 3rd person omniscient. You may want to rewatch the video to remind yourself of 'points of view'
logon: clslab pass: pop Video is titled -point of view

By the way, - what voice is the question above written in and why?

Monday, February 16, 2009


Congratulations on finishing your State Reports on time.

This week will be a 'no homework' week in Humanities.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Living Wax Museum Presentations+ 3D Model

Your 3D models are due Thursday Feb. 19th. DO NOT bring them to school before this date.
You will perform your Living Wax Museum Presentations on:

Buxton class Feb 24th 8.15-9.00 Dining Room

Graham class Feb 25th 8.15-9.00 Forum

Friday, February 6, 2009

State Report - Conclusions

Congratulations Emily and Addie. I really enjoyed your application of the 'metaphor' approach in your work today. Bravo!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Snow Day #2

Tonight's H/W was going to be to 'finish' the Grammar booklet practice exercises. We will go over them in class tomorrow. It is 'suggested' that you try to spend a little time working on your State Report sometime today.

Enjoy the snow!

State Report - 3D Model / Grammar Questions

The deadline for the 3D model and paragraph is Thursday Feb 19th. ONLY bring the model to school on this day. Do not bring it to school beforehand as there is no where to store the model in the classroom. You need to make sure you read the directions carefully on the State Report Guidelines booklet on how to complete your model.

You are NOT required to do any H/W at all over the Winter Break, so do not leave this model until the last minute.

Grammar- Are youy prepared for Friday?
Hint- What is the first step to creating a correct time shift sentence?
Hint- Is this a complete sentence or a fragment?
Hint- Why is this a comma splice, what did I do wrong?
Hint- Which is possessive and which is plural? 1)Pennys 2)Pennies 3)Penny's
Hint- What is the grammar mistake in the last question?

If you know the answers to all those questions you are almost ready.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Next Week

Bravo to Eleanor and Marshall for their impressive opening statements in their introductions today. Feel free to share yours on the blog if you would like to do so.

Make sure you tackle some of the websites for practice for next week's (Fri) grammar test. We will review this material next week. If you have any questions, feel free to upload them.

Try these additional websites for practice. These are very similar to your test questions

- Possessive Nouns

- Past Perfect

Thank you for all your hardwork this week. State Report's will be over soon, and we will do so pretty amusing BBC theatre scripts as a more relaxing activity to end the trimester.

Have a great weekend.

Go Steelers!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

State Report - Poem Component

Use this link to find rhyming words for your poetry.

Pass on your thanks to Hunter Willis for finding this.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Spelling Lesson 14

You will be tested on Lesson 14 spelling words this Friday. Be prepared. Go to the spelling city website to practice the words at least twice this week (Buxton class only)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Obama Speech Answer

He used a GRAAB technique - Alternative/Be There. Comparing the fear and apprehension that the soliders must have had before crossing the Delware during the Revolutionary War -v- the issues the country faces today. +2 for anybody who mentioned GRAAB.

Change Can Happen- Enjoy this movie of all our U.S. Presidents

Have a great weekend!

Grammar Test - Update

This will take place the week of Feb 9th-12

Topics that will be on there so far are:

Rules for making nouns plural
Possessive nouns in sungular and Plural
Types of nouns (CPAC)
Comma rules (C.O.M.M.A.S.)
Punctuating compound and Complex Sentences
Fragments and Run-ons
Time Shift sentences (had+participle)

Much of the test will be multiple choice and/or spot the error/ rewrite with correct punctuation etc. There will not be a writing component on the test.

Watch the blog for plenty of practice opportunities

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama's Inauguration Speech - Challenge

Win +1, +2 or +3 points if you can explain how this section of Obama's speech relates to something we have studied in our writing. All reasonable answers will received points.

"...So let us mark this day with remembrance, of who we are and how far we have traveled. In the year of America's birth, in the coldest of months, a small band of patriots huddled by dying campfires on the shores of an icy river. The capital was abandoned. The enemy was advancing. The snow was stained with blood. At a moment when the outcome of our revolution was most in doubt, the father of our nation ordered these words be read to the people:

Let it be told to the future world ... that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive...that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet (it).

America, in the face of our common dangers, in this winter of our hardship, let us remember these timeless words. With hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, and endure what storms may come. Let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations.

Thank you. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America."

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snow Day II

Teachers love snow days too!

Snow Day

Enjoy the snow day today!

Try to take time to watch the Presidential Inauguration from 11.30-12.30pm. Our new Preisdent's speech should be very interesting.

Mrs. Buxton said I can't give you any H/W today...So I won't!
Enjoy the day :-)

State Report - 13 School Days to Go

Your target for this week is to finish 3 components.

Well done to Brady Whitnmore. The only student to achieve 3 stickers by the end of las t week. The target for this week is 5 Stickers. Will 'you' be recognized next week?

Remember - Packed lunch for Tue. We ill watch the Presidential
Inauguration in class from 11.30-12.30pm.

End of trimester Grammar Review Test. You select the topics. Let me know which grammar topics that we have already covered you would like to see on the end of trimester test e.g. Rules for making nouns plural.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Vocabulary Test

The Vocabulary Test Scheduled for tomorrow (Buxton class only) is postponed until next Tuesday.

Well done today with your poems. Did you enjoy the party? You will need to hand in your poetry booklets tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Comma Test + State Report

5th Graders

Thank you for working so hard today on your State Reports. Set yourself the target of having all your notes on 'Geographical Features'for class for tomorrow. We will begin to create Power Plans for this component in tomorrow's class.

Important notice- Januaary 20th. All 5th graders will have the opportunity to watch the Presidential Inauguration. You must bring a packed lunch for this day. We will eat in the classroom as we watch the ceremony.

Wednesday-Commas Open book Test - Do some practice exercises from the blog tonight

Thursday - 50 States Test
- Poetry Party 'Will your classmates be amazed by how brilliantly 'you' deliver your poetry?

Have a nice evening.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

State Report Websites

Use 'only' these sites below to do your State Report online research. If you find a site on your own that you think is better, share it with me first, and I might add it to the list. There is advice under each website to save you a little time.

State Report Websites

1. Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition: [ID=latin, PASSWORD=hawks] You may copy a picture or map from this site. Type the name of your state in the Search box and click Go.

2. Click on your state.
Advice: (Only good for basic facts about the states)

3. IPL Kidspace: Stately Knowledge: provides basic facts and links to other sources about each state
Advice: (Use the links at the bottom of each state page for detailed information on specific topics)

4. Infoplease: The Fifty States: Choose state from the list below the map.
(Advice: Good for links to famous people for the character sketch)

5. Type the person’s name in the search box or click the letter the name begins with to see a list of names. This site may be helpful if you are doing a character sketch.
(Advice: Good for links to famous people for the character sketch+Historical

(Advice – Good for geographical features and commerce and industry)
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