
Monday, August 19, 2013

Great readers pay attention to tiny details...

Finish your write ups for Back to School Night. (click for link) Look at Kalia's for an example of an effective write-up.

Remember: When you are reading, you should always be on the look at for tiny details that might lead to much bigger ideas. Recap of the point  we made in today's class are:
a) Character(s):
e.g Struggles/Desires/Motivation - History/background - Change(s) - Learns - Acts out of Character -Nuanced  etc.
b) Author’s Craft (choice of words author uses):
e.g. Symbolism, Figurative language Tone (author’s attitude to story content), Mood (story atmosphere/character’s feelings) etc.
c) Themes: Life Lessons:
e.g. What the story is teaching you?
What were the 'red flag moments' in these lyrics?
Make sure your first writing piece, opinion based blog post,  is finished for tomorrow's class.  You will receive 4 grades for your work - see sample below. Throughout the year, each paper will be graded in the same way.
Sample rubric: Four grades taken - No overall average grade given

Don't panic - As this is the first paper of the year, it will not be weighted too heavily when compared to papers we do later in the unit.

You will have a grammar pretest - This will tell me what you already know about grammar
You will have 1 hour to write on this topic: Make sure you already have a good idea of what to write about. Do not start writing this at home!


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed to write about the memoir with my own topic. I felt free to write about it and I am really excited to see how I get graded and what mistake I have made.
Today was also really disturbing because I haven't get rid of my cold yet so I was always sneezing or had problem with breathing. In addition I was happy to get the basic intro of the CWW and I can't wait to go to malaysia! Oh and Timmy, thank you for telling me where to go on PE :). See you tomorrow mr.buxton and have a nice day .

Unknown said...

Thanks Inyong. You have a great day too!
Congrats on winning the poster design competition!

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