
Friday, September 5, 2014

Weekly Reflection

Reminder: Can I Change Sheets: Due Monday!
Homebase: Are you making deposits or withdrawals? 

The final due date for the identity presentation is a week on Monday (15th)

Over the weekend, you really should have an idea of what connects all your different pieces of writing and poetry in your identity portfolio: Your SEED idea

Are you:
Somebody who always avoids a challenge?
Somebody who is trying to be something that you are not?
Somebody who uses their heart as a compass?
Somebody who only believes things that you find out for yourself.
Somebody who parents give too much or too little?
Somebody who worries to much about things that never happen?
Somebody who loves the unexpected or needs structure in your life?
Somebody who lives in a virtual world?

Your 'theme' is almost like an 'extended metaphor' (we will cover this in class on Monday) that ties all these ideas together.  e.g.  a patch work quilt, a circus, a jigsaw puzzle.

+1 if you can share your seed idea in the comments and say what your theme will be

Next Week
You will have your Parts of Speech assessment at the end of next week - Do you know your parts of speech? Can you name the parts of speech for any sentence you find in your reading book? Will you practice for the test using the online exercises and purple words like these students promised?

The Friday Message : This is worth 9 mins of your life!

C/D and E/F classes will have a MAP test on Monday.


Anonymous said...

My seed idea will be the same idea as I used for my first piece - that I have a creative, insightful mind. Only this time, I'll take it to a much deeper level and use different mini-lesson examples.

Using the spaghetti challenge, my Rubik's Cube (things I value), CWW, a very intellectually orientated online life, and my habit of being able to produce very good results when it comes to intelligence, will all be examples to back up my seed idea.


Anonymous said...

My seed idea is that I am a leader and I like to care for people and try not to hurt anyone.

Anonymous said...

My seed idea this time will be about how I'm a bit of a coward, trying to make life easier and taking the easier road. I want people to see me as a calm and extremely intellectual person, but on the inside I'm rather bubbly and have a need for fun. An book example of this is the Velveteen Rabbit, recommended by the one and only Mr. Buxton, where to really live life is to accept both the fun and the tribulations of living.

I will use multiple instances, such as CWW (the checkers challenge), the TCK lesson, the Online Collage, the Core Values lesson, and the What I Value lesson to help support my claim.

Unknown said...

How are you going to tie this together Sajid - Do you have a metaphor theme?

How many different stories about leadership do you have Ashlin? Did you always know this about yourself or have you recently realized this? With this knowledge, how will you affect decisions in the future?

How are you going to tie this together J. - Do you have a metaphor theme? With this knowledge, how will you adapt decisions in the future? - Think 'The NY subway story'.

+1 for your contributions

Anonymous said...

I'll tie up this together by using each mini-lessons as a paragraph. The Rubik's cube, for an example, will be a metaphor - it's colors will represent ideas, or creativity. When it's twisted, it symbolises coming up with ideas. Some of the others will be anecdotes. I want to be more diverse with structures than last time, so I'll have think of some more. I also want the reader to take something away. I want to tell the reader in the last paragraph, that your passport, nationality, or even your culture can't define you, but what can are smaller things, such as those that I'd have stated in the previous paragraphs. This will touch on the universal theme of judging someone based on their actions and traits, not what they look like or are "supposed" to be.

Unknown said...

Sajid - can you make a reference to literature or bring in a quote to add an even greater level of depth to this?

You are certainly on the right track

Anonymous said...

My idea is that my identity portfolio is like a puzzle peice of different things that represent me

Unknown said...

what is the puzzle? - tale the idea even deeper!

Unknown said...

take - not tale

Anonymous said...

I think adding a quote can really help me emphasise on why main theme. Not only that, but I can mention it at the beginning, too, so the theme of your identity will be connected throughout the entire piece. Furthermore, I could keep coming back to the quote in the middle of the piece, too. If I had a quote that uses a metaphor to describe things that make up your true identity, I could use that metaphor instead of saying "things that make up your true identity." Using a quote would definitely bring out deeper meaning.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be a slight lack of really good quotes on the internet that say exactly what I'm trying to get across to the reader. I did find some good metaphorical quotes that didn't quite fit my theme, but I I modified them so they can.

Your identity isn't the logo of the company, or the company name. It's the products that the company sells.

You're not the drop of water that loses it's identity in a big ocean. You're the ocean that made up of drops of water.

You're not the painting itself, but all the colours and shapes that make up the painting.

Your identity isn't a cake, but all the small ingredients that make it.

There's nothing about someone's identity that you can see. Identity can only be felt.

(If you're a student that likes some of these metaphors, sure, you can use them).

Unknown said...

+1 for all those that contributed to the blog today.

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