MAP Testing
Parts of Speech TEST - Friday
Summative Assessment: Claims and Evidence - This is a 'taster' of what the question will be like... "Hatchet - Hope was Here - Thank You M'am - What is the connection?
You will spend time working on practicing your 'parts of speech.' There are some practice exercises in NoRedInk - waiting for you. (You have given specfic items to review based on your diagnostic test. You can begin this practice at anytime. The exercises must be finished by next FRIDAY. You will have a 'parts of speech' test - NEXT FRI
Weekend Message
Notice that 10 months is also the length of an academic year!
Bonus +1 - How can the message in this video apply to you? - Add comments
Hope you are reading this weekend...I am!
Sometimes, when times are tough I tend to give up very easily, but this video taught me that even when you are stressed, and even when times are tough, you must show GRIT and keep pushing forward to reach your ultimate goal in life.
Also, Mr. Buxton, I checked NoRedInk, and I have not been given any assignment, what should I do?
This video shows that when you have given up on something or something gets hard, always believe in yourself. There will always be someone who is willing to help you.
Check again. - opened at 3pm. - let me know if it works...
Hope you will all do this when you get your Wings scores back... +1 contributers
I got it! Thanks!
This video is showing us that no matter how tricky things get and how impossible they seem that we are not just what people tell us or what we look in the mirror and see ourselves as but so much more and we can do anything we put our minds to.
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