
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Close Reading Protocol

Use this link to copy/paste today's lesson into your own template: Close Reading

Use your close reading protocol to examine 'author's craft'

Close Reading Protocol
1) Find a piece of text that you think might be significant
2) Read it
3) Read it a second and noticing specifically what stands out in the text.
4) Look for patterns
    e.g. Which details/words fit together?
    e.g. How do these details/words fit together?
    e.g. how are the details different or similar?
    e.g. Does anything seem unusual?
5) Make a statement about craft

If you use this protocol against any section or text that you think is significant - you can truly delve deep into author's craft!

Remember: Levels of Thinking about Text
Level 1 - Prediction/Inference
Level 2 - Interpretation
Level 3 - How structure of text impacts meaning
Level 4 - Commenting on author's craft moves

Hey, if you examined everything a little closer, you might be surprised at what you find!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Writing Craft

Possible craft moves. What are you missing? Doing too much/not enough of?

  • Inner thinking
  • Action
  • Setting descriptions
  • background/context
  • Dialogue
  • Time shift
  • Objects
  • word choice/imagery
  • figurative language, allusions, and symbolism
  • Emotions
  • analysis of situation
  • character descriptions
  • location/movement/position/direction

Color code your writing based on the ideas above

Lesson Recap This is 5 mins, but completely explains all you need to know about conjunctive adverbs usage.
These are sophisticated words that you should begin to integrate naturally into your own writing

 Today, we looked at classifying the sentences we write in our writing by 'writing craft.'  What are you using a lot of? What do you need to add? Do your scenes contain enough variety?

In tomorrow's book club, your team will be talking about a moment in the story where something really important happened. Make sure your team knows exactly what part of the story you want to discuss. It should be a short scene (- approx. 1 page to a couple of  pages.)

Coming next week
In class simple and compound sentence writing exercise!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Who is telling the story?

Book club Discussion Sheet: E/F
Book Club Discussion Sheet C/D

Recap on Narrative Perspectives

This week, you choose your H/W.

 Read the file below again to make sure you are clear on what you must do for Friday.

Membean test: This Friday
Keep up to date when your next Reading Response is due.(files to left on blog)

For Those Interested
Symbolism in the Movies - Coming of the 5th Age...
This is a conspiracy theory movie.  Take it with a 'pinch of salt'

Friday, February 14, 2014

The devil is in the details...

Today, we covered a great deal: You learned a reason for your compound sentences. You learned that you need to: Locate - Position -Direct -  Move  -  your readers through your RF pieces.

We also learned that we can write symbolically. It's already out there, you just need to learn to spot it! Win +points for sharing what you find in the comments section

 You must watch this is you want your eyes opened!

Next Week: Choose your own H/W week. What choices will  you make?

Thursday, February 13, 2014

What do fish have to do with it?

"What a person needs is always more than what they say."

Write a short paragraph explaining the symbolism hidden in today's story.

C/D Class Write your answers in this file  

Make sure you have completed your scene on cruelty and/or kindness.
We will be sharing these in class tomorrow.

You should have 50mins minimum of Membean by Friday's class.

Next Week's Homework: Use the blog to ask any questions about this new approach to H/W. I will go over it in class tomorrow and answer some of your questions

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Scratch the Surface - Find the Writer

Formative Assessment on Sentences, Fragments, and Run-ons: Pop Quiz
Answer the 20 questions. Show me the result once you have finished

After today's pop quiz, if you realized you still do not get these concepts, use these links as further practice. This work is optional but worth it if you scored a 'B' or below in today's assessment. No time limit to complete the exercises: Sentence Clauses: Run-ons and Comma Splices

Lesson Recap

Find the inspiration for your writing in the 'cruelty and the kindness' that we are surrounded by.

Remembering the examples from today.

H/W -

You must write a scene that exemplifies a moment of cruelty or a moment of kindness that you have directly or indirectly experienced: Due Friday

Remember: You can change the facts./Location/Characters/ Resolution

Listen to the inspiration for Wonder again...

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Book Clubs

Social issues emerge from: 1) Unfair treatment 2) Power Inequalities 3) Characters' Problems

Naming some of the problems, unfair treatment, or power struggles that have occurred in the books you have read about gives you an insight into what the book is trying to teach you. What social issues are hidden behind these events?

Enjoy the  text from today's session again: The Stolen Party

Grammar Practice Those students who did not have screen shots to prove they finished last Thursday's practice H/W must STILL do this work. I will expect to see it tomorrow in addition to last night's grammar H/W. Constant practice of these sentences techniques are the only way they will become natural and automatic. The link to this practice is here: Sentence Practice post

H/W: Reading Classes
Membean: You need to complete a minimum of 50mins of Membean this week (x20 at home x30 in class) by Friday. Make sure you are adding new words to your Student Master Learning Behavior grade goes home this Friday.  For the last two week period, you should have completed 105mins or more.

All Classes
Remember:  Finish yesterday's grammar exercises and take 'screen shots' for proof of completion

Coming Soon: 
Your next reading responses is due February 25th. You may use your book club book  for this response. A few people are still missing the last response. 

Enjoy Devon's Slam. The journey that Devon takes us on is so precise!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Realistic Fiction: Generating Ideas

Grammar Recap
Memorize and ERADICATE these types of mistakes going forward!!!

1) The man entered with a gun, bank personnel were not amused    Comma Splice

2) The man entered with a gun bank personnel were not amused.  Fused Sentences

3) The man entered with a gun and bank personnel were not amused. Run on sentence       

Show me examples of compound sentences or compound sentence errors and win +1 for doing so.

G/H Class Only
Social Issues: Choose any 3 from the list to investigate...

Food Inc

C/D and E/F - Be ready for your bookclubs tomorrow.

H/W - All classes
Writing: Finish your second social scene or blurb using today's generating strategy. (Due: Wed)

Grammar: - Finish by Wednesday. Take small screen shots to prove that you did the work.

Watch this video. You will score more points on your SATs if you do!

Ideas to generate stories Enjoy Thani's Slam...

 Look at these examples of strong extended metaphors for people who are thinking of resubmitting in order to improve their grades.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Weekly Reflections

Book Club Reflections:
Key questions to be bringing to your next discussions

  • What do we think the social issues are in the story so far?
  • How are the characters dealing with these issues?
  • What are  the social norms - status quo - of this setting/time/place?
  • What do we need to pay attention to?
  • Is anything being foreshadowed?
Keep your 'thinking about reading' file up to date; therefore, you will not need to do much additional thinking when it is time to write your next reading response.

Next Week
RF Short scene writing. (Due: Mon)
Grammar: Online practice from Sentence Clauses Unit: (Due: Mon)
Next Book club discussion (Due: Tue)
Are there any lines in your story that sound like, "quotes to live life by?" - Make a note of them!

New Learning
Further practice with compound sentences and compound sentences using conjunctive adverbs (+1 if you can see where I used a a conj. adv compound sentence in this post)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Realistic Fiction Writing

A number of students still have not turned in some assignments:  Reading Responses, Slam poems,  Diction and Details Assessment. The window for resubmitting these pieces of work closes NEXT Wednesday. Check your powerschool for any 'F' - Failed to Submit.  If you do have any 'Fs' - Turn your work into the: Resubmitted Work Folder 

Extended Metaphor

1) Write your name on your extended metaphor slide (and your partner's name)
2) Make a copy of just that slide (right click/copy) from your poetry portfolio
3) Paste the slide into the extended metaphor file below for your class.
This saves me precious minutes when grading instead of opening 60+ files, I need to open just three. Thank you

C/D Class Extended Metaphor
E/F Class Extended Metaphor
G/H Class Extended Metaphor

Poetry Reflections
C/D Class Learning Class
E/F Class Learning Class
G/H Class Learning Class

Make a copy of this file and place it in your Writing Bookmarks: Realistic Fiction Writing

H/W - Due Monday. -

1) Finish the piece you started in class today. Remember - this is only a scene, not a complete story.

2) Watch this video and
Simple and compound sentences
Rags to Riches - Compound Sentences
Put  small screen shots of your completed exercises inside the independent practice section for session 2 as evidence of completing the exercises.

Remember: Friday - Membean assessment
Book Clubs: Read up to your  agreed page.

Great News!
KOBO eReaders. In a few weeks, a few classes in 7th grade will pilot a new 'eReader program. This means that many of you will be given your own eReader to use and take home. I need to preload all these eReaders with the best novels for 7th graders. Please state in a comment a 'must have' book that you believe should be on the eReader. Only choose the very best of the best you have read. eReaders once I get the BEST books loaded on them... approx 100+

Enjoy Ibby's slam poem...Nice attitude!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Social Issues Book Clubs

Make a copy of this file and save it in your Reading Book Marks: Social Issues Book clubs

  • Membean: You should have done a total of 55mins of Membean this week. (30 in class and 25 at home). Membean Vocabualry assessment will be Friday.
  • Extended Metaphor Poem: Due: Thur
  • Agree to read up to a certain page # on your RF book club - Things to ponder as you read: What are the social hidden in the plot? How does my character deal with these issues?
What is the book teaching me?
Guidelines Repeated
  • You poem uses a single 'anchor' metaphor and continues to 'extend' that metaphor throughout the poem
  • Other metaphors that are linked to the anchor metaphor can be clearly identified in the poem
  • Your poem communicates a message/idea. - e.g. My life ain't no crystal stair - the idea is that she has had a tough life, but never gave up and keep reaching other goals.
  • Poetry format and structure with an effective title
  • Minimum 12 lines
Difference between an 'A' and 'B'?
Students who scored an 'A' - Crafted a well structured poem that contained an extended metaphor that clearly also communicated a literal idea that was well structured
Students who scored a 'B' - Crafted a well structured poem that contained an extended metaphor, but the literal meaning wasn't clearly evident or lacked organization

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sentence Fluency and Realistic Fiction

Make  copy of this file and keep it in your bookmarks for 'Writing'

Unit 7 Sentence Fluency

Extended Metaphor: Further Examples:

Poetry Unit: Learning Reflections

C/D Class Learning Class
E/F Class Learning Class
G/H Class Learning Class

Dictation Emails - Change your parents live by sharing the trick you learned in school today! They will LOVE you so much more!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Faithful Elephants

Enjoy Alexa's EXCELLENT, authentic reading response in its entirity. The authenticity of this piece and the engaging way that Alexa presents her ideas are techniques worth imitating.
"Learning is the transition from imitation to innovation"

Finish your 'thinking and talking about reading' entry on, 'Faithful Elephants.' What is the story trying to teach us? -
Students who were absent need to read this story. Start on page. 2
Faithful Elephants and complete a brief response. What is the story really about? Approx 100 words.

You should complete a minimum of 55 minutes of Membean practice this week. (x30minutes in school x25minutes at home. Spread your home study over a number of nights.) Learning Behavior grades go down if you do not complete the required practice time.

Extended Metaphor Poem: Due Thur 
You must add a new slide to your Poetry Portfolio with your extended metaphor.

Grading Criteria

  • You poem uses a single 'anchor' metaphor and continues to 'extend' that metaphor throughout the poem
  • Other metaphors that are linked to the anchor metaphor can be clearly identified in the poem
  • Your poem communicates a message/idea. - e.g. My life ain't no crystal stair - the idea is that she has had a tough life, but never gave up and keep reaching other goals.
  • Poetry format and structure with an effective title
  • Minimum 12 lines
This assignment is simple testing whether you can write a poem that contains an extended metaphor. Remember, not every line needs to be a metaphor.

Resubmitting Assignments: New System

I have added a file to the right side of the blog for resubmitting assignments. If you do not turn your work in on time or wish to resubmitted, you must put the link to your resubmitted work in this file if you want to get your work regraded. If you are absent from school, any missed work should be resubmitted here. Work that is not turned in on time, automatically receives a failing grade until it is resubmitted. To get this grade changes, it is your responsibility then to get the work to me. I will NOT chase you up for work.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Mentor Examples

Reading Responses: Why am I not getting an 'A'? Look at how these students approached their reading responses to get an insight into what needs to be done to score the highest grades. 

Can you spot this in Teagan's work?
-use of a 'warrant'
-use of what the book teaches us
-use of quoting to support your opinion.
-use of connection to other stories Importance of the title?  
 -Elysia's: Eggs
-Devon's: The Great Gilly Hopkins This response focused on just one read flag moment. She scored highly, b/c once quoting the moment, she then effectively interprets the situation.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Extended Metaphor

Why is this poem an extended metaphor?

Constructing an extended metaphor

Report Card: Learning Reflections
C/D Class Learning Class
E/F Class Learning Class
G/H Class Learning Class

Missing You...


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Gather Ye Rose Buds While Thee May...

Enjoy Elena's engaging work...

Use the file in class. Gather Ye Rose Buds While Thee May...

Make YOUR lives extraordinary

  • 15 minutes of Membean
  • Reading Response video due Wed

Sunday, January 26, 2014

What is an 'A'?

For Today's class
Crafting Engaging Poetry

Diction and Details: Grammar Assessment C/D Class

Diction and Details: Grammar Assessment  E/F Class

  • You used precise diction to express your articulately?
  • You selected only specific details to include in your description that captured a certain mood?
  • You varied the details you included in your description using vivid imagery that appealed to a variety of the senses?
  • You clearly communicated an emotion through your description?
  • You wrote for a minimum of 120 words?
Read Kalia's excellent piece - Notice her use of the grammar technique we learned earlier in the year?

What emotions are being clearly communicated in this piece?

Monday: Write x2 examples of similes, metaphors, and personification (total =6)  in your chart on the 'Crafting Engaging Poetry' Lesson gird H/W section

Tuesday: 15minutes of Membean

Due Wednesday: Digital Reading Response - The response should be on your blog and also on the sheet on the right side of my blog.

G/H Class only

  • Monday: Write x2 examples of similes, metaphors, and personification (total =6)  in your chart on the 'Crafting Engaging Poetry' Lesson gird H/W section
  • Monday: Slam poems are due Wednesday.  

Light H/W load this week. You've worked hard recently, spend any spare time you have to catch up on your independent reading.

You must read this piece of work from Marium. This was very impressive. If you know why, then you do it too!

Friday, January 24, 2014



1) MEMBEAN online test. and start their test.
Write any words that you did incorrectly into your quizlet file

2) Reading Independently.
During their reading you must do this and you can choose to do this:
Must Do: Go to their Talking and Thinking About Reading file and write one comment about their reading.

Choose to do:  Use your independent reading time to work on your video reading response. (Due next Wed)

3) Slam Poem This is a work-in-progress. All students are at different stages
You may use the remainder of the class to work on your slam poems.
Due: Monday

Drop me an email if you have any questions!

Reminders: Next Week
E/F & C/D - Slam poems ready for Monday
First reading response due Wednesday

G/H - Your slam poem will be due Wed.

Enjoy Ethan's "Poetry Portfolio" so far... This is what your finished pieces should look like!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Poetic Journey...Expecting

For G/H Class only...

Step 1) You must search the internet for an interesting image
Step 2) You must describe the image as effectively as possible using precise diction. Their description should ensure:
1) - Describe JUST the most important details (less is more)
2) - Use details that connect to multiple SENSES (see, feel, hear, etc)
3) - Have a REASON for the details you provide (does each detail add to ‘author’s purpose?’)
4) - State the 'reason' for your description. What emotion were you trying to convey?

Step 3) The image and piece of writing should be copied into the file on my blog : (Dictation and Details) - Assessment next to their name

Diction and Details: Grammar Assessment G/H Class

See Think Wonder Activity: G/H Class only

For C/D and E/F classes: Poem due Monday
(this is your slam video)

This is the link to my poem: Expecting again

Sometimes the simplest topics are the most effective!

You will use these files on Monday. Ignore them for now
Diction and Details: Grammar Assessment C/D Class

Diction and Details: Grammar Assessment  E/F Class

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Harmonica

Make a copy of this file: Thinking and Talking about Reading E/F class make sure you have dropped this file in the RLA drop!

Wednesday H/W: 10minutes of Membean

  • Don't forget to have your notes for your slam poem for tomorrow. I will be checking what you have done between classes
  • Write 1-3 comments about your independent reading in today's chart: Due Friday
  • Thursday night's H/W: Use quizlet to practice any of your tougher Membean words (optional - but recommended)

Fri: Membean 30 question assessment

Friday: First 'Learning Behaviors grade' will be given.

What will your first 'Digital Reading Response' be like?
The Music that gave the family so much 'hope'

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Slam Poetry

H/W - All Classes
Slam Poetry: For Thursday, you must have a minimum of 20-30 details related to your topic for your slam poem. You will be given 30mins of classtime to work on this poem
Tips on Slam Poetry
If you are stuck, brainstorm around these topics:
  • What are some of the strongest emotions you feel?
  • What events/situations cause these emotions to grow?
  • What  are you thinking when these events happen?
  • What would you like to do (others should do) about these situations?

Due Monday
Create a video 'slam' of your poem. Jumpcut would be an excellent way to present this idea. Upload the video to youtube and insert the verb into your poetry portfolio.


  • Approx. 20-30 lines
  • Covers a topic or an emotion that you are passionate about
  • Uses precise details not generalities
  • Integrates some poetic devices
  • Contains a poetic journey (we will discuss this more Thursday)
  • Delivered in a powerful way that uses B.E.V.E.S.)
Mentor Examples
Touchscreen (Thanks Devon)
What do teachers make...?

 Look at these mentor poems. Anybody can resubmit their work for an improved grade between now and CNY. In order to resubmit, you need to tell me three things that any of these students did that you didn't. Remember: Do not 'resolve comments' on your google slideshow. This should be used as a guide for future poems/interpretations.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday's H/W

H/W:  C/D and E/F classes only
  • 15 minutes of Membean (by Wed)
No other official H/W
  • Use tonight to catch up on your independent reading. Remember, by the end of next week, you will need to have your first digital reading response finished (optional)
Enjoy the lyrics from one of your poems from today.

Did you manage to spot any of the contradictory images?

The song is about his desire to avoid pain and brokenheartedness. He doesn't want to be hurt again, so he refuses to make friends, to fall in love, he'll be a hermit. It may sound determined, but by the end of the song it's obvious it's all a lie he tells himself to get through the days. He's alone and it hurts him, but he'll tell himself he likes it that way, hoping it won't hurt so badly. The last two lines explain it; he's not a rock, he's been hurt and has cried, but will pretend not to. The "island never cries" line is possibly the most meaningful part. As he says this, he may as well be crying.

But, he is only fooling himself into thinking he can because every symbol he uses is not permanent. Walls get knocked down. You wake up from sleep. You come out of your mother womb after 9 months. Your memory will always come back. Snow melts. December is only 31 days.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Weekly Reflection

Emotions database

Dinner Conversation
In the second semester, it is hoped that you begin to have academic conversations with your parents about your learning over each weekend. The way this works is simple. I give you a list of topics that we have covered in the week, and you  encourage your parents to ask you questions about these topics:

List of topics we have covered this week:
  • Ways to improve word choice in writing
  • What is good diction
  • The difference between connotation and denotation
  • Meanings hidden in the poem, "Do not go gentle into that good night"
  • Protocols for interpreting poetry
  • Video Reading Responses
  • Membean words that you are learning
  • Turning prose (your article) into poetry (your poem) - Your poetic moves
A conversation might go like this:
Mum ask me about to talk about the themes in the book I am reading at the moment
Dad, ask me about the difference between connotation and denotation with an example
Dad, did you know that there are six ways that a writer can improve word choice: There are...
Mum, ask me a question about any of these topics we've covered (show them the list)

This is optional but encouraged - When you can talk about what you are learning, you are really learning! - Plus points (plural) for students who share a sample of their conversations with their parents on the blog.

Next Week
Monday:  (E/F & C/D classes only) Poetry Interpretation - You will be given about 45mins of class time to write your interpretation of ONE of these three pieces of poetry below. Any notes you prepare on one of the poems, you can use in class.

I know Why the Caged Bird Sings
I am A Rock
Where the Sidewalk Ends

You will be expected to follow your 'poetry reading protocol' and write an analysis/interpretation of one of these poems. Look at the categories in your protocol to decide the things that you might want to write about.

Grammar: Purposeful 'detailed' writing
Writing: Slam Poetry

Membean: Share your learning day+Quizlet
Reading: Figurative Language

Grammar: Writing Details in color
Poetry Writing: See Think Wonder

Membean Assessment Day
Reading: Symbolism in poetry

Ready to 'slam' some poetry next week?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Choose a poem from this list
Due Fri:
Look at Wednesday's post to make sure you have all the requirements ready as expected for your first grade of this new semester.

C/D -E/F Classes.
I will be checking you Membean practice tonight to make sure you have completed  between 50-60mins in total for the week.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What makes you... (state your emotion)

Recap: We learned in a Word Choice Grammar unit today about diction and how words often have either a positive or negative connotation.

Ready to write an 'unforgettable' piece of poetry?   :-)

Finish your first poem: DUE: FRI
Step 1 - Identify the strong ideas

Step 2 - Turn those ideas into poetry


  • Think about whose perspective you want to write the poem from
  • Think about the story you want to tell. Is it before, during, or after the event?
  • How will you show your emotions about the topic?

Grading Criteria
1) Your poem in someway tells the story of your article. (literately and/or figuratively)
2) Your poem in someway communicates your feelings about the topic behind your article (literately and/or figuratively)
3) Your poem uses a variety of poetic devices
4) Approx. length 12-20 lines in poetry format
5) You have an effective title that powerfully relates to your poem
6)  Strong diction is used throughout the poem (Words like 'IS, ARE, WAS, & Pronouns are mostly avoided)

In class in Friday, you will write a brief explanation about the 'poetic choices' you made when writing your poem. e.g. I used this title because...

Make sure you have the first three slides of your poetry portfolio created like the example

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


  • Monday's H/W - Check Monday's blog post
  • 15 minutes of Membean
  • Independent Reading 30 mins (Get back into your routines

Reading logs DO NOT need completing anymore - see right side of blog -sidebar- to see what we will do instead. I will go over this in Thursday's class

Monday, January 13, 2014

Rise and Shine

What will  you do to excel this semester?

For Tuesday (C/D & E/F classes only)
  • Poetry Reading Unit: How to Eat a Poem (Make sure you have a copy of this file)
  • You need to bring to Tuesday's class the lyrics of a song you really like. (Choose 'age appropriate' song)
For Wednesday
Bring a printed version of an article that you have found on the internet about a topic that makes you angry e.g. $70,000 Missing from Newton Town Donations
You will be writing on this paper, so make sure you have a printed copy

2) Finish your brainstorm about all possible topics for your poems. Just write bullet point ideas
What has really affected your heart?
What people have been important to you?
What are some experiences or central events you'll never forget?
What happy or sad memories do you have?
What secrets have you kept in your heart?
What small things or objects are important to you?

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Welcome Back

I hope you all enjoyed your holiday. I did!

We hit the ground running with new units when we return. Make copies of these files and place them into your shortcuts. Remove all 'old' shortcuts.

Poetry Reading Unit: How to Eat a Poem
H/W: You need to bring to Tuesday's class the lyrics of a song you really like. (Choose 'age appropriate' song)

Poetry Writing Unit: Crafting Engaging Poetry
H/W: For Wednesday's class Bring a printed version of an article that you have found on the internet about a topic that makes you angry e.g. $70,000 Missing from Newton Town Donations
You will be writing on this paper, so make sure you have a printed copy

Grammar: Unit 6 Word Choice

The expectation is that you will complete at least 30minutes of Membean practice between Monday and Friday. Those of you that did not complete the last Membean test on  the last day of school last semester will take that test on Tuesday. Well done to those who choose to continue praticing Membean into January: Jess, Jordan, Ethan, Marium and the most hardworking student on Membean over the break (notice the superlative!) ZACK!

What will you do this sesmester to be..."the best that you can be?"
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